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Outdated Exemption List, Subchapter M - September 9, 1998

Synopsis of specific exemptions from air permitting that were in effect on this date.

30 TAC 106 - Subchapter M Metallurgy

106.311 Crucible or Pot Furnace (Previously SE17)
106.312 Wax Melting and Application (Previously SE18)
106.313 Tumblers for Cleaning or Deburring Metal (Previously SE22)
106.314 Shell Core and Mold Machines (Previously SE23)
106.315 Sand or Investment Molds (Previously SE24)
106.316 Metal Inspection (Previously SE35)
106.317 Miscellaneous Metal Equipment (Previously SE36)
106.318 Die Casting Machines (Previously SE37)
106.319 Foundry Sand Mold Forming Equipment (Previously SE44)
106.320 Miscellaneous Metallic Treatment (Previously SE57)
106.321 Metal Melting and Holding Furnace (Previously SE58)
106.322 Furnace to Reclaim Aluminum or Copper (Previously SE96)

106.311 Crucible or Pot Furnace (Previously SE 17)

Crucible or pot furnaces with a brim full capacity of less than 450 cubic inches of any molten metal are exempt.

106.312 Wax Melting and Application (Previously SE 18)

Equipment used exclusively for the melting or application of wax is exempt.

106.313 Tumblers for Cleaning or Deburring Metal (Previously SE 22)

All closed tumblers used for the cleaning or deburring of metal products without abrasive blasting, and all open tumblers with a batch capacity of 1,000 pounds or less are exempt.

106.314 Shell Core and Mold Machines (Previously SE 23)

Shell core and shell mold manufacturing machines are exempt.

106.315 Sand or Investment Molds (Previously SE 24)

Sand or investment molds with a capacity of 100 pounds or less used for the casting of metals are exempt.

106.316 Metal Inspection (Previously SE 35)

Equipment used for inspection of metal products is exempt.

106.317 Miscellaneous Metal Equipment (Previously SE 36)

Equipment used exclusively for rolling, forging, pressing, drawing, spinning, or extruding either hot or cold metals by some mechanical means is exempt.

106.318 Die Casting Machines (Previously SE 37)

Die casting machines are exempt.

106.319 Foundry Sand Mold Forming Equipment (Previously SE 44)

Foundry sand mold forming equipment to which no heat is applied is exempt.

106.320 Miscellaneous Metallic Treatment (Previously SE 57)

Electrically heated or sweet natural gas or liquid petroleum gas fueled equipment used exclusively for heat treating, soaking, case hardening, or surface conditioning of metal objects, such as carbonizing, cyaniding, nitriding, carbonnitriding, siliconizing, or diffusion treating is exempt.

106.321 Metal Melting and Holding Furnace (Previously SE 58)

Metal melting and holding furnaces as specified in this section are exempt:

(1) crucible furnaces, pot furnaces, or induction furnaces with a holding capacity of 1,000 pounds or less, with the following limitations:

(A) no smelting, reduction, sweating, metal separation, or distilling is conducted;

(B) in ferrous melting furnaces where gray iron or steel is melted:

(i) ductile iron is produced only when emissions are captured by a vent hood and filtered or within a crucible with a lid which allows no visible emissions; and

(ii) the furnace charge is free of oil, grease, and paint;

(C) in nonferrous melting furnaces, only the following metals are melted, poured, or held in a molten state:

(i) aluminum or any alloy containing over 50% aluminum;

(ii) magnesium or any alloy containing over 50% magnesium;

(iii) tin or any alloy containing over 50% tin;

(iv) zinc or any alloy containing over 50% zinc;

(v) copper, brass, or bronze; or

(vi) precious metals;

(D) no lead, leaded brass, leaded bronze, or manganese bronze is melted, poured, or held in a molten state;

(2) aluminum melting or holding furnaces with a holding capacity of 2,000 pounds or less that melt only clean aluminum ingots or pigs and in which no refining, smelting, metal separation, sweating, distilling, or fluxing with chlorine bearing gases is performed.

106.322 Furnaces to Reclaim Aluminum or Copper (Previously SE 96)

Dry hearth reverberatory type holding chamber aluminum or copper metal reclamation/sweat furnaces in which no fluxing, degassing, or refining is conducted, which operate according to the following conditions and limitations of this section are exempt.

(1) Scrap metal charges shall consist primarily of copper or aluminum metal. Operation of the furnace for reclamation or lead, tin, zinc, or magnesium metals is prohibited.

(2) The maximum furnace charging rate shall be 2,000 pounds per hour or less.

(3) The furnace charge door shall remain closed except during charging and furnace cleaning operations.

(4) The furnace shall be equipped with an afterburner which will provide a minimum retention time of 0.1 second at a minimum temperature of 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit for all furnace exhaust gases.

(5) The incineration of any insulated wire or cable containing chlorine compounds in the insulation, such as polyvinyl chloride insulation, is expressly prohibited.

(6) The owner or operator of the furnace shall initiate and maintain a program of furnace operator training in the recognition of chlorine-bearing wire or cable insulation and shall demonstrate, upon request by the executive director, acceptable proficiency in the recognition of chlorine-bearing wire or cable insulation such as polyvinyl chloride insulation.

(7) Fuel for the furnace shall be sweet natural gas as defined in Chapter 101 of this title (relating to General Rules) or liquid petroleum gas, diesel, or Number 2 fuel oil.

(8) Before construction begins, the facility shall be registered with the commission's Office of Air Quality in Austin using Form PI-7.

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