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Numerical Index for Standard Exemptions, April 4, 1975

Outdated Title 30 TAC 116 Standard Exemptions organized by exemption number and date.

Reference date: April 4, 1975
Effective date: April 4, 1975

Clicking on a highlighted number below links you to the standard exemption.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92

1. Equipment, machines, devices, contrivances built or installed to be used at a domestic residence for domestic use.

2. Dual-chamber incinerators of less than 1000 pounds per hour burning capacity for Type 0 and Type 1 waste only as defined by the Incinerator Standards of the Incinerator Institute of America.

3. Combustion units designed for comfort heating purposes employing only natural gas as a fuel.

4. Comfort air conditioning systems or comfort ventilating systems which are not designed to remove air contaminants generated by or released from specific units of equipment.

5. Electric motors, electric generators, and integral engine-generator sets designed for portable, emergency and/or standby electric power service.

6. Gas fired internal combustion engines of less than 2000 hp and engine trains of less than 5000 hp total.

7. Natural gas or LP gas fired combustion units with rated fuel consumption less than 10,000 standard cubic feet per hour.

8. Water cooling towers and water cooling ponds not used for evaporative cooling of process water or not used for evaporative cooling of water from barometric jets or from barometric condensers.

9. Equipment used exclusively for steam cleaning and dry cleaning.

10. Presses used exclusively for extruding metals, minerals, plastics or wood.

11. Porcelain enameling furnaces, porcelain enameling drying ovens, vitreous enameling furnaces or vitreous enameling drying ovens.

12. Presses used for the curing of rubber products and plastic products.

13. Equipment used for hydraulic or hydrostatic testing.

14. All printing presses.

15. Tanks, vessels and pumping equipment used exclusively for the storage or dispensing of fresh commercial or pure grades of sulfuric acid with an acid strength of 99% or less by weight, phosphoric acid with an acid strength of 99% or less by weight, or nitric acid with an acid strength of 70% or less by weight.

16. Ovens used exclusively for the curing of plastics which are concurrently being vacuum held to a mold or ovens used exclusively for the softening or annealing of plastics.

17. Equipment used exclusively for the dyeing or stripping of textiles.

18. Equipment used exclusively to mill or grind coatings and molding compounds where all materials charged are in a paste form.

19. Crucible or pot furnaces with a brim full capacity of less than 450 cubic inches of any molten metal.

20. Equipment used exclusively for the melting or applying of wax.

21. Equipment used exclusively for bonding lining to brake shoes.

22. Equipment used in eating establishments for the purpose of preparing food for human consumption.

23. Equipment used exclusively to store or hold dry natural gas.

24. All closed tumblers used for the cleaning or deburring of metal products without abrasive blasting, and all open tumblers with a batch capacity of 1,000 pounds or less.

25. Shell core and shell mold manufacturing machines.

26. Sand or investment molds with a capacity of 100 pounds or less used for the casting of metals.

27. Batch mixers with rated capacity of 5-cubic feet or less.

28. Equipment used exclusively for the packaging of lubricants or greases.

29. Equipment used exclusively for the manufacture of water emulsions of asphalt, greases, oils, or waxes.

30. Ovens used exclusively for the curing of vinyl plastisols by the closed mold curing process.

31. Equipment used exclusively for conveying and storing plastic pellets.

32. Equipment used exclusively for the mixing and blending of materials at ambient temperature to make water based adhesives.

33. Smokehouses in which the maximum horizontal inside cross sectional area does not exceed 100 square feet.

34. Platen presses used for laminating.

35. Blast cleaning equipment using a suspension of abrasives in water.

36. Ovens, mixers and blenders used in bakeries where the products are edible and intended for human consumption.

37. Kilns used for firing ceramic ware, heated exclusively by natural gas, liquified petroleum gas, electricity or any combination thereof.

38. Bench scale laboratory equipment and laboratory equipment used exclusively for chemical or physical analyses.

39. Confection cookers where the products are edible and intended for human consumption.

40. Equipment used for inspection of metal products.

41. Equipment used exclusively for rolling, forging, pressing, drawing, spinning or extruding either hot or cold metals by some mechanical means.

42. Die casting machines.

43. Photographic process equipment by which an image is reproduced upon material sensitized to radiant energy.

44. Brazing, soldering or welding equipment.

45. Handheld or manually operated equipment used for buffing, polishing, carving, cutting, drilling, machining, routing, sanding, sawing, surface grinding, or turning of ceramic art work, ceramic precision parts, leather, metals, plastics, rubber, fiber board, masonry, asbestos, carbon, graphite or wood.

46. Equipment using aqueous solutions for electrolytic plating, electrolytic polishing or stripping of brass, bronze, cadmium, copper, iron, lead, nickel, tin, zinc and precious metals and for cleaning, stripping, etching or other surface preparation but not including chemical milling.

47. Equipment used for washing or drying products fabricated from metal or glass, provided no volatile organic materials are used in the process and that no oil or solid fuel is burned.

48. Laundry dryers, extractors or tumblers used for fabrics cleaned only with water solutions of bleach or detergents.

49. Foundry sand mold forming equipment to which no heat is applied.

50. Ovens with a charging rate of less than 2,000 pounds per hour used exclusively for curing potting materials or castings made with epoxy resins.

51. Equipment used for compression molding and injection molding of plastics.

52. Mixers for rubber or plastics where no material in powder form is added and in which no organic solvents, diluents or thinners are used.

53. Equipment used exclusively to package pharmaceuticals and cosmetics or to coat pharmaceutical tablets.

54. Roll mills or calendars for rubber or plastics.

55. Vacuum producing devices used in laboratory operations.

56. Containers, reservoirs, or tanks used exclusively for dipping operations for coating objects with oils, waxes, or greases where no organic solvents, diluents, or thinners are used; or dipping operations for applying coatings of natural or synthetic resins which contain no organic solvents.

57. Containers, reservoirs, or tanks used exclusively for unheated storage of organic materials with initial boiling point of 300§F or greater.

58. Containers, reservoirs, or tanks used exclusively for the storage of fuel oils with a gravity of 25 degrees API or lower; or for the storage of lubricating oils.

59. Containers, reservoirs, or tanks used exclusively for the storage of fuel oils with a gravity of 40 degrees API or lower and having a capacity of 50,000 gallons or less.

60. Containers, reservoirs, or tanks with a capacity of 6000 gallons or less used exclusively for the storage of organic liquids, except gasoline, normally used as solvents, diluents, or thinners; inks; colorants; paints; lacquers; enamels; varnishes; liquid resins; or other surface coatings.

61. Containers, reservoirs, or tanks used exclusively for the storage of liquid soaps, liquid detergents, vegetable oils, waxes, or wax emulsions.

62. Containers, reservoirs, or tanks used exclusively for the storage of asphalt.

63. Storage tanks with a capacity of less than 25,000 gallons, used exclusively for the storage of gasoline.

64. Equipment used for transporting materials on streets or highways, including those highways defined by Article X, Section 2 of the Constitution of Texas.

65. Equipment used exclusively for heat treating, soaking, case hardening or surface conditioning of metal objects, such as carbonizing, cyaniding, nitriding, carbon-nitriding, siliconizing or diffusion treating when sweet natural gas or LP gas is used as a fuel.

66. Crucible furnaces, pot furnaces, or induction furnaces with a capacity of 1000 pounds or less each, in which no smelting, reduction, sweating, or distilling is conducted, and from which only the following metals are poured or held in a molten state:

(a) Aluminum or any alloy containing over 50% aluminum.
(b) Magnesium or any alloy containing over 50% magnesium.
(c) Tin or any alloy containing over 50% tin.
(d) Zinc or any alloy containing over 50% zinc.
(e) Copper
(f) Precious metals.

67. Vacuum cleaning systems used exclusively for industrial, commercial, or residential housekeeping purposes.

68. Sewage treatment facilities excluding sludge incinerating equipment.

69. Waste water treatment facilities where incineration is not used in the disposal system.

70. Animal feedlots designed to feed less than 1000 animals, and total expansion of existing feedlots in operation prior to March 1, 1972 which do not exceed 100% of the animal capacity as of March 2, 1972.

71. Stationary crude oil and condensate storage containers of 50,000 gallons or less in which only sweet crude oil is stored.

72. Gas dehydration units in fields processing sweet crude oil.

73. Gas oil separators.

74. Natural gas or LP gas fired emulsion treaters with rated fuel consumption of less than 10,000 standard cubic feet per hour.

75. Free water knock-outs.

76. Temporary separators, tanks, meters, and other fluid handling equipment used for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days to test the content of a subsurface stratum believed productive of oil or gas, provided that all emissions to the atmosphere other than stock tank vapors be flared.

77. Temporary separators, heaters, flow treaters, meters, storage tanks, and other fluid handling equipment used for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days to establish the proper design of a permanent fluid handling facility for an oil or gas producing property, provided that all emissions to the atmosphere other than stock tank vapors be flared.

78. Replacement or addition of cotton gin stands.

79. Structural changes which cannot change the quality, nature or quantity of air contaminant emissions.

80. Repairs or maintenance not involving structural changes.

81. Identical replacement in whole or in part of any article, machine or any other contrivance.

82. Gas turbines of less than 20,000 hp burning sweet natural gas.

83. Any portable concrete plant that accomplishes wet batching, dry batching or central mixing where the batcher or the mixer is of 9 yd 3 or less and that operates according to the following conditions:

  1. The plant remains at a batching site for 6 months or less.
  2. A bag filter(s) with a maximum filtering velocity of 3.0 ft/min is installed on the cement silo.
  3. The cement weigh hopper is vented to the cement silo or its own bag filter.
  4. The dust emissions at the batch drop point are controlled by a shroud having ample suction exhaust to deliver the collected dust to a bag filter.
  5. All in-plant roads are controlled by either watering, oiling, or paving to prevent fugitive emissions from truck traffic.
  6. All abatement equipment must be in good condition and operating properly during plant operations.
  7. Before construction of facility begins, notification must be given to the appropriate regional supervisor of the Texas Air Control Board.

84. Any additional cement silo which will be temporarily located at a batch site and will meet the following conditions:

  1. The cement silo is equipped with bag filter(s) having a maximum filtering velocity of 3.0 ft/min.
  2. Transfer of the cement from the temporary silo is accomplished by an enclosed system.
  3. All abatement equipment is in good condition and operating properly.
  4. Before construction of the silo begins, notification must be given to the appropriate regional supervisor of the Texas Air Control Board.

85. Gas dehydration units outside the corporate limits of any city processing gas streams containing less than 100 grains S/100 scf at a rate less than 10 MM scfd.

86. Any portable rock crusher with a production rate of 400 ton/hr or less that operates according to the following conditions:

  1. The plant remains at the crushing site for 6 months or less
  2. All in-plant haul roads remain in a wetted condition,
  3. Water sprays are located at all belt transfer points, shaker screens and inlet-outlet of primary and secondary crushers,
  4. The plant is located at least 1/2 mile from any occupied facility or recreational area,
  5. The plant is located at least one mile outside the nearest corporate limits of any city or town,
  6. The plant is located at least 1000 feet from any state or federal highway, and
  7. Before construction of the facility begins, notification must be given to the appropriate regional supervisor of the Texas Air Control Board.

87. A stationary tank, reservoir, or other container used for the storage of liquid petroleum gas (L.P.G.), if such tank, reservoir, or other container is a pressure vessel capable of maintaining working pressures sufficient at all times to prevent vapor or gas loss to the atmosphere.

88. Any grain storage facility which satisfies the following conditions:

  1. The storage facility processes only grain grown by owner(s).
  2. The plant is located at least 1000 feet from any occupied facility or recreational area.
  3. Before construction of the facility begins, notification must be given to the appropriate regional supervisor of the Texas Air Control Board.
89. Paint spray booths designed and operated according to Federal Occupational Safety and Health Standards and in which no metal based paints are used or metal spraying or metallizing is done and:

  1. Dry filter media is used to control paint particulate from intermittent paint spraying and in which the paint spray rate is no more than three pounds per hour or,
  2. A water wash particulate control system is used to control paint particulate and the paint spray rate is no more than eight pounds per hour.

90. Revisions to pilot plants built prior to March 5, 1972 and revisions to pilot plants which were exempt from permit requirements when originally built, provided that operation of the revised facility will satisfy the following conditions:

1. The facility will operate for the purpose of:

a. Testing the manufacture or market potential of a proposed product, or
b. Defining the design of a larger plant, or
c. Studying the behavior of an existing plant through modeling in the pilot plant.

2. The facility will operate in compliance with all Regulations of the Texas Air Control Board and with Federal Environmental Protection Agency Regulations governing air pollution.

91. Any wet sand and gravel plant that obtains its material from subterranean and subaqueous beds where the deposits of sand and gravel are consolidated granular materials resulting from natural disintegration of rock and stone and whose plant production rate is 500 tons/hr or less and whose in-plant roads are adequately controlled by water/chemical sprinkling and/or oiling and/or paving to prevent fugitive traffic emissions.

92. Wet batch or central mix concrete batch plants with a production rate 30 yd 3/hr or less that operate in accordance with the following conditions:

  1. A bag filter with a maximum filtering velocity of 5 ft/min is installed on the cement silo. This filter bust be in good condition and operating properly during plant operations.
  2. All in-plant roads are controlled by either watering, oiling or paving to prevent fugitive emissions from truck traffic.
  3. The plant remains at the batching site for 6 months or less.
  4. Before construction of the facility begins, site approval must be received from the appropriate Regional Supervisor of the Texas Air Control Board.

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