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Outdated Standard Exemptions 108 - 115, January 8, 1980

Outdated Title 30 TAC 116 Standard Exemptions organized by exemption number and date.


Clicking on a highlighted number below links you to the standard exemption.

108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115

108. Bulk cement handling facilities that operate according to the following conditions:

  1. A closed conveying system is used where all exhaust air to the atmosphere is vented through a bag filter having a maximum filtering velocity of 3 feet/minute.
  2. All abatement equipment must be in good condition and operating properly during plant operations.
  3. All permanent in-plant roads shall be paved. Alternate methods of control may be approved by the Executive Director prior to installation of the facility.
  4. Before construction begins, written site approval must be received from the Executive Director of the Texas Air Control Board.
  5. Before construction begins the facility must be registered with Form PI-6.

109. All oil well servicing bulk sand handling facilities that operate according to the following conditions:

  1. All sand is prewashed.
  2. All handling of sand is mechanical or if sand is conveyed pneumatically, the conveying air is vented to the atmosphere through a bag filter(s) having a maximum filtering velocity of 3.0 ft/minute.
  3. All permanent in-plant roads shall be paved. Alternate methods of control may be approved by the Executive Director prior to installation of the facility.
  4. All abatement equipment must be in good condition and operating properly during plant operations.
  5. Before construction begins, written site approval must be received from the Executive Director of the Texas Air Control Board.
  6. Before construction begins the facility must be registered with Form PI-6.

110. Any concrete plant that accomplishes wet batching and operates according to the following conditions:

  1. A bag filter(s) with a maximum filtering velocity of 3.0 feet per minute is installed on the cement silo.
  2. The cement weight hopper is vented to its own bag filter or inside the charging hopper of the transit mix truck.
  3. A mechanism is installed on the silo for warning operators that the silo is full so that it will not be overloaded at any time.
  4. All permanent in-plant roads shall be paved. Alternate methods of control may be approved by the Executive Director prior to installation of the facility.
  5. Aggregate stockpiles are sprinkled with water and/or chemicals as necessary to control the emissions of dust to the minimum level possible under existing conditions.
  6. Loading of transit-mix trucks shall be through a discharge spout equipped with a water ring. Alternate methods of control may be approved by the Executive Director prior to installation of the facility.
  7. All abatement equipment is in good condition and operating properly during plant operations.
  8. Before construction of the facility begins, written site approval must be received from the Executive Director of the Texas Air Control Board.
  9. The plant is located at least 1/4 mile from any public building, public recreational area or any residence not owned or occupied by the company proposing to construct the concrete plant.
  10. Before construction begins the facility must be registered with Form PI-6.

111. Any soil stabilization plant that operates according to the following conditions:

  1. A bag filter(s) with a maximum filtering velocity of 3.0 feet per minute is installed on the cement/lime silo.
  2. All conveyor belt(s) transferring cement/lime to the pug mill shall be top covered.
  3. The pug mill used to mix the materials is covered.
  4. All permanent in-plant roads shall be paved. Alternate methods of control may be approved by the Executive Director prior to installation of the facility.
  5. All abatement equipment is in good condition and operating properly during plant operations.
  6. A mechanism is installed on the cement and/or lime silo(s) for warning operators that the silo is full, so it is not overloaded at any time.
  7. Aggregate stockpiles are sprinkled with water and/or chemicals as necessary to control the emission of dust to the minimum level possible under existing conditions.
  8. Before construction of the facility begins, written site approval is received from the Executive Director of the Texas Air Control Board.
  9. The plant is located at least 1/4 mile from any public building, public recreational area or any residence not owned or occupied by the person proposing to install the sil stabilization plant.
  10. Before construction begins the facility must be registered with Form PI-6.

112. Uranium in situ solution mining facility producing yellowcake provided that:

  1. The facility is located at least 1/4 mile from any public building, public recreational area or any residence not owned and occupied by the person proposing to install the yellowcake production unit.
  2. The facility shall have no emission other than (a) ammonia which shall not exceed an emission rate of 7 pounds per hour and (b) particulate dust from yellowcake drying not to exceed 0.1 pound per hour.
  3. The facility shall have no visible particulate emissions from any part of the process.
  4. Before construction begins the facility must be registered with Form PI-6.

113. Dry hearth reverberatory type holding chamber aluminum or copper metal reclamation/sweat furnaces in which no fluxing, degassing or refining is conducted that operates according to the following conditions and limitations:

  1. Scrap metal charges shall consist primarily of copper or aluminum metal. Operation of the furnace for reclamation or lead, tin, zinc or magnesium metals is prohibited.
  2. The maximum furnace charging rate shall be 2000 pounds per hour or less.
  3. The furnace charge door shall remain closed except during charging and furnace cleaning operations.
  4. The furnace shall be equipped with an afterburner which will provide a minimum retention time of 0.1 second at a minimum temperature of 1300F for all furnace exhaust gases.
  5. The incineration of any insulated wire or cable containing chlorine compounds in the insulation, such as Polyvinyl chloride insulation, is expressly prohibited.
  6. The owner or operator of the furnace shall initiate and maintain a program of furnace operator training in the recognition of chlorine-bearing wire or cable insulation and shall demonstrate upon request by the Executive Director, acceptable proficiency in the recognition of chlorine-bearing wire or cable insulation, such as Polyvinyl Chloride insulation.
  7. Fuel for the furnace shall be sweet natural gas as defined in General rules adopted by the Texas Air Control Board or liquid petroleum gas, diesel or No. 2 fuel oil.
  8. Before construction begins the facility must be registered with Form PI-6.

114. Any trench burner that operates according to the following conditions:

  1. Opacity of emissions from the trench burner must not exceed 20%, average over a five-minute period except for a start-up period which shall not exceed 20 minutes. Opacity shall be measured as outlined in the "General Rules for Reading Opacity of Visible Emissions", Chapter 13, Compliance Sampling Manual, as revised and published in October 1975 or as amended, by the Texas Air Control Board. The average of the length and width of the trench shall be considered as one stack diameter.
  2. Material to be burned in the pit is limited to trees, brush and untreated waste lumber.
  3. The trench burner shall be located at least 1/4 mile from any public building, public recreational area or any residence not owned and occupied by the company proposing to install the trench burner.
  4. Trench burner operating instructions shall be established and must be posted such that they are available for all trench burner operators.
  5. Before operation of the facility begins at any site, written site approval must be received from the Executive Director of the Texas Air Control Board.
  6. The trench shall be closed and filled upon leaving the site.
  7. Before construction begins the facility must be registered with Form PI-6.
115. Fiberglass reinforced plastics manufacturing facilities using gel coat and/or resins containing styrene which meet the following conditions:

  1. All building air and exhaust air from spray booths is discharged to the atmosphere through vertical exhaust stacks with a physical height at least two (2) times the height of the plant building.
  2. Overspray from spraying operations is controlled by filters.
  3. Before construction begins the facility must be registered with Form PI-6.

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