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Outdated Standard Exemptions 73-80, January 11, 1985

Outdated Title 30 TAC 116 Standard Exemptions organized by exemption number and date.

Standard Exemption List

Clicking on a highlighted number below links you to the standard exemption.

73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80

73. Any portable rock crusher with a production rate of 200 ton/hr or less that operates according to the following conditions:

  1. Operating schedule of the plant does not exceed 1600 hours per year.
  2. All in-plant haul roads and stockpiles are sprinkled with water and/or chemicals as necessary to achieve maximum control of dust emissions.
  3. Water sprays are located at all belt transfer points, shaker screens and inlet and outlet of all crushers and used as necessary to achieve maximum control of dust emissions.
  4. The plant is located at least 1/2 mile from any recreational area or residence or other structure not occupied or used solely by the owner of the facility or the owner of the property upon which the facility is located.
  5. The plant is located at least 1000 feet from any state or federal highway not currently under maintenance or construction.
  6. Before construction of the facility begins, written site approval is received from the Executive Director of the Texas Air Control Board and the facility shall be registered with the appropriate Regional Office using Form PI-7 including a current Table 17.

74. (a) Any grain handling, storage and drying facility which satisfies the following conditions:

  1. The total storage capacity of the new and any existing facility or facilities does not exceed 500,000 bushels.
  2. The plant is located at least 1/4 mile from any recreational area or residence or other structure not occupied or used solely by the owner of the facility or the owner of the property upon which the facility is located;

(b) The installation of additional grain storage capacity which satisfies the following conditions:

  1. There is no increase in hourly grain handling capacity.
  2. Existing grain receiving and loadout facilities are utilized.
  3. Grain is conveyed by closed conveying systems with no air suction pulled on any conveying unit.
  4. Written site approval is received from the Executive Director before construction begins for facilities utilizing existing grain receiving facilities when new gravity or auger loadout systems are installed.

75. Surface coating facilities that emit less than 6.0 pounds per hour and 500 pounds per week of volatile organic paint solvent and;

  1. The facility meets Federal Occupational Safety and Health Standards (Federal Regulation 29 CFR 1910.107) and,
  2. If a spraying operation, a water wash or dry filter media is used to control paint particulate overspray and in which no metal spraying or metallizing is done.
  3. Records of hours of operation and coating usage shall be maintained.

76. Any new or modified pilot plant provided that the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The facility does not emit any chemical having a health threshold limit value of less than 1 ppmv as specified by OSHA or ACGIH. This exemption does not apply to pilot plants using chemicals for which an OSHA or ACGIH threshold limit does not exist.
  2. The facility emits less than one (1) pound per hour of any air contaminant.
  3. The plant is located at least 1/4 mile form any recreational area or residence or other structure not occupied or used solely by the owner of the facility or the owner of the property upon which the facility is located.
  4. The facility is constructed and operated only for the purpose of:
(a) Testing the manufacturing or marketing potential of a proposed product, or
(b) Defining the design of a larger plant, or
(c) Studying the behavior of an existing plant through modeling in the pilot plant.

77. Any wet sand and gravel production facility that obtains its material from subterranean and subaqueous beds where the deposits of sand and gravel are consolidated granular materials resulting from natural disintegration of rock and stone and whose production rate is 500 tons/hr or less. All permanent in-plant roads shall be paved and cleaned as necessary or watered as necessary to achieve maximum control of dust emissions.

78. Hydrochloric acid storage tanks used exclusively for the storage of hydrochloric acid with an acid strength of 38% by weight or less. If an acid more concentrated than 20% by weight is stored, the tank vent must be controlled to reduce emissions by at least 99%.

79. Iron sponge gas treating units processing streams containing less than sixty pounds per hour of hydrogen sulfide provided that the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The plant is located at least 1/4 mile from any recreational area or residence or other structure not occupied or used solely by the owner of the facility or the owner of the property upon which the facility is located.
  2. During replacement of the iron oxide impregnated chips, the unit is (a) isolated from the main system and the pressure is reduced to 0.5 psig or less through a gas fired flare, or (b) sulfur compound emissions to the atmosphere do not exceed one ton per year replacement.
  3. The spent iron oxide chips being replaced are properly handled to avoid spontaneous ignition and avoid an odor nuisance.

80. Any elevated, vertical smokeless flare system designed to be used only as an emergency relief system provided that:

  1. The flare is equipped with a continuously burning pilot system or other automatic ignition system that assures flare ignition and that provides immediate notification of appropriate supervisory personnel when the ignition system ceases to function properly; and
  2. The flare burns vent gases containing only carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, chlorine or compounds derived from these elements, and
  3. The flare height is at least 25 feet and the maximum instantaneous emission of sulfur dioxide will be no more than 200 pounds per hour and the maximum instantaneous emission of chlorine containing compounds (calculated as chlorine) is no more than 10 pounds per hour; or
  4. The flare height is at least 50 feet and the maximum instantaneous emission of sulfur dioxide will be no more than 800 pounds per hour and the maximum instantaneous emissions of chlorine containing compounds (calculated as chlorine) is no more than 38 pounds per hour; and
  5. There is normally no flow of process waste to the flare except during an emergency; and,
  6. The heat release of the flare shall be greater than or equal to the following values for flares emitting sulfur dioxide and/or chlorine containing compounds:

Q = 2.73 x 105 (BTU/hr)/(lb/hr) x E Cl2


Q = 0.129 x 105 (BTU/hr)/(lb/hr) x E SO2

Where Q=required heat release, BTU/hr
E SO2=SO 2 emission, lb/hr
E Cl2=Chlorine emission, lb/hr

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