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Outdated Standard Exemptions 7-61, July 15, 1988

Outdated Title 30 TAC 116 Standard Exemptions organized by exemption number and date.


Clicking on a highlighted number below links you to the standard exemption.

7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61

7. Boilers, heaters, drying or curing ovens, furnaces, or other combustion units, but not including stationary internal combustion engines or turbines, provided that the following conditions are met:

(a) The only emissions are products of combustion of the fuel.
(b) The maximum heat input is 40 million British thermal unit (Btu) per hour and the fuel is:
  • (1) Sweet natural gas,
  • (2) Liquid petroleum gas,
  • (3) Fuel gas containing no more than 0.1 grain of total sulfur compounds, calculated as sulfur, per dry standard cubic foot,
(c) The maximum heat input is 10 million Btu per hour and the fuel is first run refinery grade diesel or No. 2 fuel oil that is not a blend containing waste oils or solvents and that contains less than 0.5% by weight sulfur.

8. Water cooling towers, water treating systems for process cooling water or boiler feedwater, and water tanks, reservoirs, or other water containers designed to cool, store, or otherwise handle water (including rainwater) that have not been used in direct contact with gaseous or liquid process streams containing carbon compounds, sulfur compounds, halogens or halogen compounds, cyanide compounds, inorganic acids, or acid gases.

9. Equipment used exclusively for steam or dry cleaning of fabrics, plastics, rubber, wood, or vehicle engines or drive trains.

10. Presses used exclusively for extruding metals, minerals, plastics, rubber, or wood except where halogenated carbon compounds or hydrocarbon solvents are used as foaming agents. Presses used for extruding scrap materials or reclaiming scrap materials are not exempt.

11. Presses used for the curing of rubber products and plastic products.

12. Equipment used for hydraulic or hydrostatic testing.

13. Printing presses, provided that all the following conditions are satisfied:

(a) The emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and solvents (including, but not limited to, those used for printing, cleanup, or makeup) shall not exceed the following rates:
  • (1) 15 tons per year (tpy) for any press proposed to be covered by this standard exemption, and
  • (2)
  • 25 tpy for all printing presses on the property covered by standard exemptions.
(b) Printing presses covered by this standard exemption shall not utilize heat set, thermo set, or oven dried inks.
(c) If total VOC emissions and solvents (including, but not limited to, printing, cleanup, and makeup solvents) from the property exceed 10 tpy, the owner or operator of the facility shall keep records in sufficient detail to enable the Texas Air Control Board to determine ink and solvent usage in pounds (minus water) on a monthly and calendar year-to-date basis. Documentation of the usage determination method and all data shall be maintained for a two-year rolling retention period. This information must be in sufficient detail to show compliance with condition (a) of this exemption.

14. Equipment used exclusively to store and dispense motor fuels into heavy and light-duty motor vehicles, and marine vessels or other watercraft, aircraft, and railroad locomotive engines.

15. Equipment used exclusively for the dyeing or stripping of textiles.

16. Equipment used exclusively to mill or grind coatings and molding compounds where all materials charged are in a paste form.

17. Crucible or pot furnaces with a brim full capacity of less than 450 cubic inches of any molten metal.

18. Equipment used exclusively for the melting or application of wax.

19. Equipment used exclusively for bonding lining to brake shoes.

20. Equipment used in eating establishments for the purpose of preparing food for human consumption.

21. Equipment used exclusively to store or hold dry natural gas.

22. All closed tumblers used for the cleaning or deburring of metal products without abrasive blasting, and all open tumblers with a batch capacity of 1,000 pounds or less.

23. Shell core and shell mold manufacturing machines.

24. Sand or investment molds with a capacity of 100 pounds or less used for the casting of metals.

25. Batch mixers with rated capacity of five cubic feet or less.

26. Equipment used exclusively for the packaging of lubricants or greases.

27. Equipment used exclusively for conveying and storing plastic and/or rubber solid materials, provided that no visible emissions occur and:

(a) Equipment used for conveying of powders or resins to storage silos must be equipped with fabric filter(s) having a maximum filtering velocity of 4.0 feet per minute (ft/min) with mechanical shaking or 7.0 ft/min with air cleaning, and
(b) Transfer of powders or resins is accomplished in an enclosed system.

28. Equipment used exclusively for the mixing and blending of materials at ambient temperature to make water-based adhesives.

29. Smokehouses in which the maximum horizontal inside cross-sectional area does not exceed 100 square feet.

30. Platen presses used for laminating.

31. Blast cleaning equipment using a suspension of abrasives in water.

32. Ovens, mixers, blenders, barbecue pits, and cookers if the products are edible and intended for human consumption.

33. Kilns used for firing ceramic ware, heated exclusively by natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, electricity, or any combination thereof where:

(a) the total heat input is 10 million British thermal units per hour or less, and
(b) there are no emissions of lead, beryllium, or fluorides, and emissions of sulfur dioxide and particulate matter from both the material being fired and fuel burned do not exceed 25 tons per year of either air contaminant.

34. Bench scale laboratory equipment, and laboratory equipment used exclusively for chemical and physical analyses.

35. Equipment used for inspection of metal products.

36. Equipment used exclusively for rolling, forging, pressing, drawing, spinning, or extruding either hot or cold metals by some mechanical means.

37. Die casting machines.

38. Photographic process equipment by which an image is reproduced upon material sensitized to radiant energy.

39. Brazing, soldering, or welding equipment, except those which emit 0.6 ton per year or more of lead.

40. Hand-held or manually operated equipment used for buffing, polishing, carving, cutting, drilling, machining, routing, sanding, sawing, surface grinding, or turning of ceramic art work, ceramic precision parts, leather, metals, plastics, fiber board, masonry, carbon, glass, graphite, or wood.

41. Equipment using aqueous solutions for anodizing, electrodeposition, electroless plating, electrolytic polishing, and stripping of brass, bronze, cadmium, copper, iron, lead, nickel, tin, zinc, and precious metals; and for cleaning, stripping, etching, or other surface preparation; but not including chemical milling or electrolytic metal recovery and reclaiming systems.

42. Equipment used for washing or drying products fabricated from metal or glass, provided no volatile organic materials are used in the process and no oil or solid fuel is burned.

43. Laundry dryers, extractors, or tumblers used for fabrics cleaned with water solutions of bleach or detergents.

44. Foundry sand mold forming equipment to which no heat is applied.

45. Equipment used for compression molding and injection molding of plastics.

46. Mixers, blenders, roll mills, or calenders for rubber or plastics, provided the following conditions are satisfied:

(a) Organic solvents, diluents, or thinners shall not be used.
(b) Material in powder form shall not be added unless the mixer, blender, roll mill, or calender is vented to a fabric filter having a maximum filtering velocity of 4.0 feet per minute (ft/min) with mechanical cleaning, or 7.0 ft/min with automatic air cleaning.
(c) There shall be no visible emissions. Mixers, blenders, roll mills, or calenders handling or adding asbestos shall not be eligible for this exemption.

47. Equipment used exclusively to package pharmaceuticals and cosmetics or to coat pharmaceutical tablets.

48. Roll mills or calenders for rubber or plastics in which organic solvents, diluents, or thinners are used, provided that before construction begins, the facility is registered with Form PI-7 and information regarding process rate and type of material emitted is submitted.

49. Vacuum producing devices used in laboratory operations.

50. Containers, reservoirs, or tanks used exclusively for dipping operations for coating objects with oils, waxes, or greases where no organic solvents, diluents, or thinners are used; or dipping operations for applying coatings of natural or synthetic resins which contain no organic solvents.

51. Liquid loading or unloading equipment for railcars, tank trucks, or drums; storage containers, reservoirs, tanks; and change of service of material loaded, unloaded, or stored, provided that no visible emissions result and the chemicals loaded, unloaded, or stored are limited to:

(a) the following list: asphalt, waxes, wax emulsions, resins, polymers, vegetable oils, soaps, detergents, greases, lube oils, lube oil additives, animal fats, fuel oils, kerosene, diesel fuels
(b) water or wastewater,
(c) aqueous salt solutions,
(d) aqueous caustic solutions, except ammonia solutions,
(e) inorganic acids except oleum, hydrofluoric, and hydrochloric acids,
(f) aqueous ammonia solutions if vented through a water scrubber,
(g) hydrochloric acid if vented through a water scrubber,
(h) acetic acid if vented through a water scrubber,
(i) organic liquids having an initial boiling point of 300 degrees Fahrenheit or greater. Facilities loading, unloading, or storing butyric acid, isobutyric acid, methacrylic acid, mercaptans, croton oil, 2-methyl styrene, or any other compound with an initial boiling point of 300 degrees Fahrenheit or greater listed in 40 Code of Federal Regulations 261, Appendix VIII shall be located at least 500 feet from any recreational area or residence or other structure not occupied or used solely by the owner of the facility or the owner of the property upon which the facility is located.

52. Reserved.

53. Organic liquids loading or unloading equipment for railcars, tank trucks, or drums; and storage containers, tanks, or change of service of the material loaded, unloaded, or stored, provided that all of the following conditions are met:

(a) Uncontrolled emissions calculated using the version of AP-42 in effect at the time are less than 25 tons per year of organic compounds or of any other air contaminant.
(b) The loading rate of the facilities does not exceed 20,000 gallons per day averaged over any consecutive 30-day period.
(c) The capacity of any tank does not exceed 25,000 gallons except that tanks having a capacity of less than 40,000 gallons may be used to store sweet crude oil, sweet natural gas condensate, gasoline, and petroleum fuels.
(d) The facilities are used exclusively for the loading, unloading, or storage of:
  • (1) Organic liquids normally used as solvents, diluents, thinners, inks, colorants, paints, lacquers, enamels, varnishes, liquid resins, or other surface coatings.
  • (2) Petroleum, petroleum fuels, other motor vehicle fuels, and natural gas liquids, none of which have a true vapor pressure of 11.0 psia or greater at maximum temperature of use.
(e) The facilities will meet any applicable requirements of Regulation V of the Texas Air Control Board.
(f) Facilities used for the loading, unloading, or storage of any compound listed in 40 Code of Federal Regulations 261, Appendix VIII are not exempt under this standard exemption.

54. Reserved.

55. Reserved.

56. Reserved.

57. Electrically heated or sweet natural gas or liquid petroleum gas fueled equipment used exclusively for heat treating, soaking, case hardening, or surface conditioning of metal objects, such as carbonizing, cyaniding, nitriding, carbonnitriding, siliconizing, or diffusion treating.

58. Metal Melting and Holding Furnaces as specified below:

(a) Crucible furnaces, pot furnaces, or induction furnaces with a holding capacity of 1,000 pounds or less, with the following limitations:
  • (1) No smelting, reduction, sweating, metal separation, or distilling is conducted.
  • (2) In ferrous melting furnaces where gray iron or steel is melted.
    • (A) Ductile iron is not produced, and
    • (B) The furnace charge is free of oil, grease, and paint.
  • (3) In nonferrous melting furnaces, only the following metals are melted, poured, or held in a molten state:
    • (A) Aluminum or any alloy containing over 50% aluminum.
    • (B) Magnesium or any alloy containing over 50% magnesium.
    • (C) Tin or any alloy containing over 50% tin.
    • (D) Zinc or any alloy containing over 50% zinc.
    • (E) Copper.
    • (F) Precious metals.
  • (4) No lead, leaded brass, leaded bronze, or magnesium bronze is melted, poured, or held in a molten state.
(b) Aluminum melting or holding furnaces with a holding capacity of 2,000 pounds or less that melt only clean aluminum ingots or pigs and in which no refining, smelting, metal separation, sweating, distilling, or fluxing is performed.

59. Vacuum cleaning systems used exclusively for industrial, commercial, or residential housekeeping purposes.

60. Sewage treatment facilities (excluding combustion or incineration equipment, land farms, or grease trap waste handling or treatment facilities).

61. Water and wastewater treatment units, provided all of the following conditions are met:

(a) The facility performs only one or more of the following functions:
disinfection, softening, filtration, flocculation, stabilization, taste and odor control, clarification, carbonation, biological treatment, sedimentation, neutralization, aeration (for oxidation/biodegradation purposes only), volatile organic compounds (VOC)/water separation where the sum of the partial pressures of all VOC is less than 1.5 psia.
(b) Water and wastewater treatment facilities using incineration, VOC/water separation from water where the sum of the partial pressures of all VOC is 1.5 psia or greater, gas stripping or aeration where VOC or other air contaminants are stripped from water, land surface treatment disposal and surface facilities associated with injection wells are not exempt.

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