Outdated Standard Exemptions 98-107, July 15, 1988
Outdated Title 30 TAC 116 Standard Exemptions organized by exemption number and date.
Clicking on a highlighted number below links you to the standard exemption.
98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 10798. Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) production facilities having a capacity of less than 200 gallons of ethanol per day when natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, or Number 2 fuel oil is used to supply heat for cooking and distillation and when the spent (distillers) grain and water stillage are not dried.
99. Any asphalt concrete facility that complies with Federal Regulation 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 60, Subparts A and I and operates according to the following conditions:
- (1) The applicant submits adequate documentation (including copies of previous test results of the model hot mix plant proposed, including a description of the aggregate materials used in previous tests) demonstrating compliance with the 0.04 grain per dry standard cubic feet allowable.
- (2) Visible emissions from the exhaust stack are documented at 5.0% or less opacity averaged over six consecutive minutes.
100. Metering, purging, and maintenance operations for gaseous and liquid petroleum pipelines (including ethylene, propylene, butylene, and butadiene pipelines) provided that operations are conducted according to the following conditions:
101. Any air separation, or other industrial gas production, storage, or packaging facility. Industrial gases, for purposes of this exemption, include only oxygen, nitrogen, helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon.
102. Any abrasive cleaning operation that will satisfy condition (a) or (b):
- (1) The particulate matter emissions are evacuated through a fabric filter with a maximum filtering velocity of 4.0 feet per minute (ft/min) with mechanical cleaning or 7.0 ft/min with air cleaning; and
- (2) There are no visible fugitive emissions from the facility.
- (1) Abrasive usage rate shall not exceed 150 tons per year, 15 tons per month, and one ton per day; and
- (2) The blast cleaning is performed at least 500 feet from any recreational area or residence or other structure not occupied or used solely by the owner of the facility or the owner of the property upon which the facility is located; and
- (3) Records shall be maintained of operating hours and abrasive material usage; and
- (4) Before construction begins the facility is registered with the appropriate Regional Office using Form PI-7; and
- (5) Before construction of the facility begins, written site approval shall be received from the Executive Director of the Texas Air Control Board.
103. Refrigeration systems, including storage tanks used in refrigeration systems.
104. Surface coating operations utilizing powder coating materials with the powder applied by an electrostatic powder spray gun or an electrostatic fluidized bed.
105. Woodworking shops which satisfy one of the following conditions:
- (1) a fabric or cartridge filter with air cleaning and a filtering velocity no greater than 7.0 feet per minute (ft/min), or automatic sequenced mechanical cleaning and a filtering velocity no greater than 5.0 ft/min. The filter unit may vent back into the process building or to the atmosphere.
- or
- (2) a fabric or cartridge filter (may be preceded by a cyclone collector) which vents back into the process building when the doors and windows remain closed during plant operations except for persons entering and leaving the building.
106. Facilities, or physical or operational changes to a facility, provided that all of the following conditions are satisfied:
107. Any degreasing unit that satisfies the following conditions:
- (1) The unit shall be equipped with a cover that can be opened and closed easily without disturbing the vapor zone.
- (2) The surface area of the solvent shall not exceed 15 square feet.
- (3) The cover shall be closed at all times except when processing work into and out of the degreaser.
- (4) The unit shall be equipped with a properly sized refrigerated chiller, or the unit shall have a freeboard ratio (the distance from top of the vapor level to the top edge of the degreasing tank divided by the degreaser width) equal to or greater than 0.75.
- (5) Waste solvent shall be stored in covered containers.
- (6) Chlorinated solvents total makeup shall be limited to 55 gallons per month (gross purchased minus waste disposal).
- (7) The unit shall be registered with the appropriate Regional Office using Form PI-7.
- (1) The unit shall be registered with Form PI-7; however, registration is not required if total solvents makeup (gross purchased minus waste disposal) is 110 gallons per year or less.
- (2) The unit shall be equipped with a cover which is closed whenever parts are not being handled in the cleaner. This does not apply to "remote reservoir" type cleaners.
- (3) A cleaned-parts drainage rack or facility shall be provided. Parts shall be drained for at least 15 seconds or until dripping ceases.
- (4) If a solvent spray is used, it shall be a solid fluid stream (not a fine, atomized or shower-type spray) and at a pressure which will not cause excessive splashing.
- (5) Waste solvent shall be stored in covered containers.
- (6) The requirements of Regulation V, 115.172 shall be satisfied.
- (1) The cover shall be closed at all times except when processing work into and out of the degreaser.
- (2) The unit shall be equipped with a properly sized refrigerated chiller, or the unit shall have a freeboard ratio (the distance from top of the vapor level to the top edge of the degreasing tank divided by the degreaser width) equal to or greater than 0.75.
- (3) Waste solvent shall be stored in covered containers.
- (4) Chlorinated solvents total makeup shall be limited to 55 gallons per month (gross purchased minus waste disposal).
- (5) The unit shall be registered with the appropriate Regional Office using Form PI-7.
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