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Outdated Standard Exemptions 98-107, June 7, 1996

Outdated Title 30 TAC 116 Standard Exemptions organized by exemption number and date.


Clicking on a highlighted number below links you to the standard exemption.

98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107

98. Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) production facilities having a capacity of less than 200 gallons of ethanol per day when natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, or Number 2 fuel oil is used to supply heat for cooking and distillation and when the spent (distillers) grain and water stillage are not dried.

99. Any asphalt concrete facility that complies with Federal Regulation 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 60, Subparts A and I and operates according to the following conditions:

(a) A New Source Performance Standard pretest meeting concerning the required stack sampling shall be held with personnel of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) before the required tests are performed. Air contaminants to be tested for will be determined at the pretest meeting. Stack sampling requirements will not be required by the Executive Director, provided that:

(1) The applicant submits adequate documentation (including copies of previous test results of the model hot mix plant proposed, including a description of the aggregate materials used in previous tests) demonstrating compliance with the 0.04 grain per dry standard cubic feet allowable.

(2) Visible emissions from the exhaust stack are documented at 5.0% or less opacity averaged over six consecutive minutes.

(b) Fuel for dryers shall be sweet natural gas as defined in 30 TAC Chapter 101 as adopted by the TNRCC or liquid petroleum gas, diesel, or fuel oil with a maximum sulfur content of 1.5%.

(c) All aggregate stockpiles shall be sprinkled with water and/or chemicals as necessary to achieve maximum control of dust emissions.

(d) All permanent in-plant roads shall be watered, oiled, or paved and cleaned as necessary to achieve maximum control of dust emissions.

(e) The plant is located at least 1/2 mile from any recreational area or residence or other structure not occupied or used solely by the owner of the facility or the owner of the property upon which the facility is located.

(f) Before construction of the facility begins, written site approval shall be received from the Executive Director of the TNRCC and the facility shall be registered with the TNRCC Office of Air Quality in Austin using Form PI-7, including a current Table 22.

(g) Emissions of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, or organic compounds shall not exceed 25 tons per year each.

100. Metering, purging, and maintenance operations for gaseous and liquid petroleum pipelines (including ethylene, propylene, butylene, and butadiene pipelines) provided that operations are conducted according to the following conditions:

(a) Emissions of volatile organic compounds, except fugitive emissions, are burned in a smokeless flare; or

(b) Total emissions of any air contaminant will not exceed one ton during any metering, purging, or maintenance operation.

(c) Venting of sweet, commercial grade natural gas from pipelines is exempt from (a) and (b) of this standard exemption. Care must be taken not to vent the gas in an area where an ignition source may exist or where accidental ignition of the venting gas may increase risk of fire at nearby tanks or other facilities.

101. Any air separation, or other industrial gas production, storage, or packaging facility. Industrial gases, for purposes of this exemption, include only oxygen, nitrogen, helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon.

102. Any abrasive cleaning operation that will satisfy condition (a) or (b):

(a) Enclosed abrasive cleaning:

(1) The particulate matter emissions are evacuated through a fabric filter with a maximum filtering velocity of 4.0 feet per minute (ft/min) with mechanical cleaning or 7.0 ft/min with air cleaning; and

(2) There are no visible fugitive emissions from the facility.

(b) Outside blast cleaning:

(1) Abrasive usage rate shall not exceed 150 tons per year, 15 tons per month, and one ton per day; and

(2) The blast cleaning is performed at least 500 feet from any recreational area or residence or other structure not occupied or used solely by the owner of the facility or the owner of the property upon which the facility is located; and

(3) Records shall be maintained of operating hours and abrasive material usage; and

(4) Before construction begins the facility is registered with the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) Office of Air Quality in Austin using Form PI-7; and

(5) Before construction of the facility begins, written site approval shall be received from the Executive Director of the TNRCC.

103. Refrigeration systems, including storage tanks used in refrigeration systems.

104. Surface coating operations utilizing powder coating materials with the powder applied by an electrostatic powder spray gun or an electrostatic fluidized bed.

105. Woodworking shops which satisfy the following conditions:

(a) Commercial woodworking shops shall be equipped with a sawdust collection system exhausting to either:

(1) a fabric or cartridge filter with air cleaning and a filtering velocity no greater than 7.0 feet per minute (ft/min), or automatic sequenced mechanical cleaning and a filtering velocity no greater than 5.0 ft/min. The filter unit may vent back into the process building or to the atmosphere.

or (2) a fabric or cartridge filter (may be preceded by a cyclone collector) which vents back into the process building when the doors and windows remain closed during plant operations except for persons entering and leaving the building.

(b) Commercial woodworking shops shall dispose of collected material in a manner which will prevent the material from becoming airborne, and there shall be no visible fugitive emissions from the facility.

(c) Woodworking shops used solely for instructional purposes at public, private, and vocational schools shall be exempt from the requirements of conditions (a) and (b) provided that the dust collection, storage, and disposal system(s) prevents dust emissions from creating a nuisance condition as described in 30 TAC Section 101.4.

106. Facilities, or physical or operational changes to a facility, provided that all of the following conditions are satisfied:

(a) This exemption shall not be used to authorize construction of or any change to a facility authorized in another standard exemption (See Exemption 118(a)).

(b) The facilities or changes shall be located at least 100 feet from any recreational area or residence or other structure not occupied or used solely by the owner or operator of the facilities or the owner of the property upon which the facilities are located.

(c) Total new or increased emissions, including fugitives, shall not exceed 6.0 pounds per hour (lb/hr) and 10 tons per year of the following materials:

Acetylene, argon, butane, crude oil, refinery petroleum fractions (except for pyrolysis naphthas and pyrolysis gasolines) containing less than 10 volume percent benzene, carbon monoxide, cyclohexane, cyclohexene, cyclopentane, ethyl acetate, ethanol, ethyl ether, ethylene, fluorocarbons Numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 113, 114, 115, and 116, helium, hydrogen, isohexane, isopropyl alcohol, methyl acetylene, methyl chloroform, methyl cyclohexane, neon, nonane, oxides of nitrogen, propane, propyl alcohol, propylene, propyl ether, sulfur dioxide, alumina, calcium carbonate, calcium silicate, cellulose fiber, cement dust, emery dust, glycerin mist, gypsum, iron oxide dust, kaolin, limestone, magnesite, marble, pentaerythritol, plaster of paris, silicon, silicon carbide, starch, sucrose, zinc stearate, zinc oxide.

(d) Total new or increased emissions, including fugitives, shall not exceed 1.0 lb/hr of any chemical having a limit value (L) greater than 200 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) as listed and referenced in Table 118A of the Standard Exemption List or of any other chemical not listed or referenced in Table 118A. Emissions of a chemical with a limit value of less than 200 mg/m3 are not allowed under this exemption.

(e) For physical changes or modifications to existing facilities, there shall be no changes to or additions of any air pollution abatement equipment.

(f) Visible emissions, except uncombined water, to the atmosphere from any point or fugitive source shall not exceed 5.0% opacity in any five-minute period.

107. Any degreasing unit that satisfies the following conditions:

(a) The following general requirements are applicable to all degreasers unless specifically exempted by the conditions of this exemption:

(1) Units subject to sections (c), (d), and (e) shall meet the following:

(A) Register with the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Office of Air Quality in Austin using Form PI-7 and a Form 107 Checklist.

(B) On a monthly basis, records shall be kept of total solvent makeup (gross usage minus waste disposal).

(2) Waste solvent from all degreasing operations shall be stored in covered containers, and be removed by a licensed disposal service or until emptying into an authorized on-site waste management facility.

(3) Porous or absorbent materials, such as cloth, leather, wood, or rope shall not be degreased.

(4) Leaks shall be repaired immediately or the degreaser shall be shut down until repairs are completed.

(5) A permanent and conspicuous label summarizing proper operating procedures to minimize emissions shall be posted on or near the degreaser.

(6) Each unit, regardless of the county in which it is located, shall meet the requirements of 30 TAC Section 115.412 and Section 115.415, concerning degreasing processes.

(b) The following conditions apply only to remote reservoir cleaners:

(1) The cleaner shall be designed to prevent exposure of the solvent reservoir to the atmosphere except for the drain openings. The drain openings shall not exceed 3.0% of the total cleaner open area and shall under no conditions exceed 16 square inches.

(2) All solvent sprays shall be a solid fluid stream (not a fine, atomized, or shower type spray) and at a minimal operating pressure that is necessary to prevent excessive splashing, but not to exceed 10 psig.

(3) The true vapor pressure of the solvent shall not exceed 0.6 psia as measured or calculated at an operating temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit ( F).

(4) The solvent shall not be heated.

(c) The following conditions apply only to cold solvent cleaners:

(1) The cleaner shall have a freeboard that has a minimum four-inch water cover or provides a freeboard ratio (the distance from top of the solvent level to the top edge of the degreasing tank divided by the degreaser width) equal to or greater than 0.7. For water covers, the solvent must be insoluble in and heavier than water.

(2) The unit shall be equipped with a cover which is closed whenever parts are not being handled in the cleaner. Also, the cover must be designed for easy one-handed operation if any of the following conditions are present:

(A) The true vapor pressure of the solvent is greater than 0.3 psia as measured or calculated at 100 F.

(B) The solvent is agitated.

(C) The solvent is heated.

(3) If a solvent spray is used, it shall be a solid fluid stream (not a fine, atomized, or shower-type spray) with a minimal operating pressure that is necessary to prevent splashing above the acceptable freeboard. The operating pressure shall not exceed 10 psig.

(4) An internal-cleaned parts drainage rack or facility, for enclosed draining under a cover, shall be provided. An external-cleaned parts drainage rack or facility, for enclosed draining under a cover, may be used if the vapor pressure of the solvent is less than 0.6 psia at 100 F. In all cases, parts shall be drained for at least 15 seconds or until dripping ceases.

(5) The Form PI-7 registration is not required if total solvent makeup (gross usage minus waste disposal) is 110 gallons per year (gallon/ yr) or less.

(6) Total solvent makeup shall not exceed the following:

(A) Chlorinated solvents - 660 gallons/yr

(B) All other solvents - 1,500 gallons/yr

(d) The following conditions apply only to open top solvent vapor degreasers:

(1) The surface area of the solvent shall not exceed 15 square feet.

(2) The unit shall be equipped with a cover that can be opened and closed easily without disturbing the vapor zone. If the degreaser opening exceeds 10 square feet, a powered cover shall be required.

(3) The cover shall be closed at all times except when parts are moved into and out of the degreaser.

(4) The unit shall be equipped with a properly sized refrigerated chiller, or the unit shall have a freeboard ratio (the distance from top of the vapor level to the top edge of the degreasing tank divided by the degreaser width) equal to or greater than 0.75.

(5) Exhaust ventilation for the unit shall operate between 50 and 65 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per square foot of degreaser open area unless this conflicts with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements. Ventilation fans or other sources of air agitation shall not be operated near the degreaser opening.

(6) The exhaust stacks shall discharge vertically with no restrictions or obstructions to flow. The stack height shall extend at least 1.3 times the building height as measured from ground level.

(7) Total solvent makeup (gross usage minus waste disposal) shall not exceed the following:

(A) Chlorinated solvents - 660 gallons/yr

(B) All other solvents - 1500 gallons/yr

(e) The following conditions apply only to conveyorized degreasers:

(1) The inlet and outlet openings shall be closed at all times except when processing work through the degreaser.

(2) The unit shall be equipped with a properly sized refrigerated chiller which has a volatile organic compound removal efficiency of at least 85%, or the unit shall have a freeboard ratio (the distance from top of the vapor level to the top edge of the degreasing tank divided by the degreaser width) equal to or greater than 0.75.

(3) A drying tunnel or other means of control shall be used to limit liquid or vapor carry-out.

(4) Entrances and exits to the degreaser shall be designed to silhouette work loads.

(5) Exhaust ventilation for the unit shall operate between 50 and 65 cfm per square foot of degreaser opening unless this conflicts with OSHA requirements. Ventilation fans or other sources of air agitation shall not be operated near the degreaser openings.

(6) The exhaust stacks shall discharge vertically with no restrictions or obstructions to flow. The stack height shall extend at least 1.5 times the building height as measured from ground level.

(7) Total solvent makeup (gross usage minus waste disposal) shall not exceed the following:

(A) Chlorinated solvents - 660 gallons/yr

(B) All other solvents - 1,500 gallons/yr

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