Outdated Standard Exemptions 116-121, May 12, 1981
Outdated Title 30 TAC 116 Standard Exemptions organized by exemption number and date.
Clicking on a highlighted number below links you to the standard exemption.
116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121
116. Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) production facilities having a capacity of less than 200 gallons of ethanol per day when natural gas, LP gas or No. 2 fuel oil is used to supply heat for cooking and distillation and when the spent (distillers) grain and water stillage are not dried.
117. Any drum mix asphalt concrete plant that complies with Federal Regulation 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart A and I and operates according to the following conditions:- A NSPS pretest meeting concerning the required monitoring shall
be held with personnel of the Texas Air Control Board before the
required tests are performed. Air contaminants to be tested for
will be determined at the pretest meeting. Monitoring requirements
will not be required by the Executive Director provided that:
(a) The applicant submits adequate documentation (including copies of previous test results and a description of the aggregate materials used in previous tests) demonstrating compliance with the 0.04 gr/dscf allowable.(b) Visible emissions from the exhaust stack are documented at 5% or less opacity averaged over six consecutive minutes.
- Fuel for dryers shall be sweet natural gas as defined in General Rules as adopted by the Texas Air Control Board or liquid petroleum gas, diesel or No. 2 fuel oil with a maximum sulfur content of 1.5%.
- All aggregrate stockpiles shall be sprinkled with water and/or chemicals as necessary to control the emission of dust to the minimum level possible under existing conditions.
- All permanent in-plant roads shall be watered, oiled or paved and cleaned as necessary to prevent the emission of dust to the minimum level possible under existing conditions.
- The facility is located at least 1/2 mile from any recreational area or residence or other structure not occupied or used solely by the owner of the facility or the owner of the property upon which the facility is located.
- Before construction of the facility begins, written site approval is received from the Executive Director of the Texas Air Control Board.
- Before construction begins the facility must be registered with Form PI-7.
118. Metering, purging and maintenance operation for gaseous and liquid petroleum pipelines (including ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene pipelines) provided that:
- All emissions, except fugitive emissions are burned in a smokeless flare, or
- Total emissions of any air contaminant will not exceed one ton during any metering, purging or maintenance operation.
- No reduced sulfur compounds are emitted (for example hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, etc.).
119. Any air separation or other industrial gas production, storage or packaging facility. Industrial gases for purposes of this exemption, include only oxygen, nitrogen, helium, neon, argon, krypton and xenon.
120. Any abrasive cleaning operation that will meet the following conditions:
- Air flow does not exceed 3000 cfm.
- A fabric filter with a maximum filtering velocity of 5 fpm is used as a control device.
- The source vents internal to a building.
- There are no fugitive emissions from the source.
121. Refrigeration systems, including storage tanks used in refrigeration systems.
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