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Air PBR 106.411: Steam or Dry Cleaning Equipment

Equipment used exclusively for steam or dry cleaning of fabrics, plastics, rubber, wood, or vehicle engines or drive trains is permitted by rule under 30 TAC Section 106.411. No registration or recordkeeping is required.

Equipment used exclusively for steam or dry cleaning of fabrics, plastics, rubber, wood, or vehicle engines or drive trains is permitted by rule under Title 30, Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC), Section 106.411 . To qualify for this permit by rule (PBR), your facility must also meet the general conditions stated in 30 TAC Section 106.4 .

This PBR does not require you to register, keep records, or pay a fee. However, at any time a TCEQ investigator could ask you to collect and present supporting information.

Questions? We Can Help

If you have questions about this or any other PBR, contact us:
phone: 512/239-1250