Industrial Facilities
This page contains steps for obtaining coverage under the Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP, TXR050000). This general permit authorizes the discharge of stormwater from certain industrial facilities.
How do I obtain authorization under this permit?
PLEASE NOTE: Effective September 1, 2017, applicants must submit the NOI, NEC, NOT, and NOC forms using the online e-permitting system available through the TCEQ STEERS website or request and obtain an electronic reporting waiver. Electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable and expire on the same date as the authorization to discharge.
Paper Forms: TCEQ can only accept paper applications from applicants that qualify for a waiver from the federal eReporting requirements. The requirements to qualify for the waiver include:
- Not having internet or a computer.
- Religious beliefs.
- Lack of computer training.
If you believe that you qualify for the waiver, please call the TCEQ Stormwater Processing Center at 512-239-3700, to obtain the paper application forms.
Before discharging regulated stormwater into any surface water in the state of Texas, you must:
- Review your facility's compliance history ranking:
- If your facility has no compliance history ranking or has a ranking of "high" or "satisfactory," continue to Step 2.
- If it is "unsatisfactory," then your facility is not eligible for coverage under a general permit. You must apply for an individual permit instead.
- Read General Permit
to make sure it applies to your situation. (Help with PDF.)
- Prepare and implement a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWP3) if you do not already have one. For more details, see Part III of the
general permit
Submit a completed Notice of Intent (NOI) form and fee as noted on the NOI. To apply for coverage under this general permit, you must create an account with STEERS using these
Once your NOI is submitted electronically you will receive one of the following:
- An Acknowledgment Letter acknowledging immediately.
- Notification that the NOI has been routed for additional review by the stormwater program and is pending approval.
- A Denial Letter informing you that coverage has been denied (usually the result of not meeting applicability requirements).
With the electronic NOI you typically will not receive a Notice of Deficiency (NOD) or denial letter because the system is automated and verifies your information as you fill out the form.
Once I have authorization, what am I required to do?
After obtaining coverage under this general permit, you must:
- Adhere to the requirements of the Multi-Sector General Permit
- Monitor your stormwater discharges to determine compliance with the numeric effluent limitations included in the Multi-Sector General Permit
, record the results on an EPA Discharge Monitoring Report Form, a duplicate of that form, or a self-generated form that is comparable, and retain the form on site.
- Effective August 14, 2021, all analytical results for determining compliance with effluent limitations and benchmark monitoring for MSGP permittees shall be submitted online using the NetDMR reporting system by March 31st.
- Visit our NetDMR webpage to find how to create an account, watch instructional videos, and find other resources.
- You may be eligible for a waiver from the hazardous metal monitoring requirements as described in the general permit. In order to obtain this waiver, you must fill out the
Hazardous Metals Annual Monitoring Exclusion
form, and either maintain the form on site or have it available for review upon request.
- Perform quarterly visual monitoring at each outfall.
- Perform periodic inspections of the controls and measures included in the SWP3 (at least quarterly unless otherwise specified in the permit) and an annual comprehensive site compliance inspection to determine the effectiveness of the SWP3.
- Submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) when all discharges authorized by the permit are eliminated or when the operator changes.
- If the operator changes, the new operator must submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) and the present operator must submit a Notice of Termination (NOT). This NOI and this NOT must be submitted at least 10 days before the change.
- If you are discharging to an MS4, you must submit a copy of each of these items to the operator of that system at the same time you submit the item to the TCEQ:
- Notice of Intent (NOI)
- Notice of Change (NOC)
- Notice of Termination (NOT)
- Pay the annual Water Quality Fee. As long as your coverage under the general permit is active on September 1st of each year, you will receive an invoice for this fee which is $200 each year.
- Even if this general permit applies to your situation, you may opt to request coverage under an individual permit.
You can view some of the relevant Rules for Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Facilities.
Contact us if you have questions.