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About the Tier II Chemical Reporting Program

Provides basic information about the Tier II Chemical Reporting Program.

Laws and Regulations

The Tier II Chemical Reporting Program is the state repository for chemical inventory reports required under both the federal Emergency Planning & Community Right-to-Know Act [EPCRA, which is also known as the Superfund Amendments & Reauthorization Act (SARA), Title III] and the Texas Community Right-to-Know Acts (TCRAs, Health & Safety Code, Chapters 505, 506 & 507). These laws are commonly known as Community Right-to-Know laws.

Community Right-to-Know for Citizens, Community Planners and Emergency Responders

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is part of the State Emergency Response Committee (SERC). The SERC is a multi-agency work group charged with performing certain state emergency planning, community right-to-know, and response functions relating to hazardous materials.

As a member of the SERC the TCEQ does the following:

  • State repository for Tier II Chemical inventory reports and Emergency Planning Letters
  • Provides outreach for compliance and supports Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs)
  • Administers an inspection and enforcement program to ensure Tier II regulatory compliance.

What is a Tier II Report?

Tier II Chemical Reports give information about the facility, hazardous chemicals, and emergency contacts. Facilities must keep their most current Tier II Report until they file a new report, which then becomes the most current. The TCEQ, Tier II Chemical Reporting Program must keep all Tier II Reports for 30 years.

Tier II Report information is used by emergency response personnel (fire, police, and Emergency Medical Services) in responding to accidents and other community emergencies and by LEPCs, who use this information for developing community emergency response plans.

A filing fee is required with the Annual and Initial Tier II Reports. Fees provide the funding for community and worker right-to-know programs and to provide Local Emergency Planning Committee grants.

The TCEQ receives about 80,000 Tier II reports each calendar year.

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