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Questions or Comments:

Texas Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) Grant Program Eligibility, Application, Use of Funds, and Reporting Requirements Information

Details about the Texas LEPC Grant Program in question-and-answer format.

LEPC Grants Main Page


Q: Who can apply for this grant?
A: All eligible LEPCs can apply.

Q: Who is an eligible LEPC?
A: An LEPC is eligible when it is officially recognized by the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC). This will originate from an up-to-date Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) Form 151  

Q: Is there a match required for the Texas LEPC Grant Program?
A: No match was required during this grant period, but future match requirements may be established.


Q: What do I need to submit to apply?
A: A completed   Application  Budget Information Sheet, and a TDEM 151 Form   . (Texas Division of Emergency Management)

Q: When are grant applications due?
A: The application deadline is October 11th, 2024. Please join our email update list to be notified when the new grant round opens.

Q: Who has signatory authority as an authorized official on the grant application?
A: The authorized official must be the responsible party associated with the Federal Tax Identification (ID) Number who is authorized to apply for this grant according to their internal policies and procedures.

Q: Will joint county applications be accepted?
A: Yes, with the requirement that a single entity assume full responsibility for the grant application and the performance of the grants. This entity will be the recipient of the grant funds and will be responsible for assembling and submitting the grant application, making the grant-funded expenditures, and all reporting required under the grant contract.

If a joint application is submitted, each LEPC covered under the joint application will need to submit a signed LEPC grant application to the responsible applying entity. A copy of the individual LEPC grant application should also be sent to the TCEQ Grant Manager. The applying entity must combine these LEPC applications together into one main application and submit it to the TCEQ with specific designations connecting requested items to the LEPC requesting those items.

Use of Funds

Q: What can be purchased using grant funds?
A: All purchases are allowed as long as the purchases assist the LEPC in implementing the requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and must go to the LEPC or towards LEPC activities. The only purchases that are not allowed are food, drinks, alcohol, and grant preparation services. All grant activities must take place within the grant award contract period.

Reporting Requirements

Q: What are the reporting requirements for this grant?
A: A Request for Reimbursement (RFR) and Financial Status Report (FSR) with all supporting documentation (i.e. receipts, training certificates, invoices, etc.) must be periodically submitted, in writing, to the TCEQ grant coordinator. The initial frequency of reports will be monthly, then shall decrease to quarterly upon authorization of the TCEQ. A final RFR and FSR will be due within 45 days after the expiration of the contract. If advanced funds are approved, then only the FSR and supporting documentation will be required to document expenditures.