Municipal Liquid Waste: Am I Regulated?
Liquid waste from municipal sources includes grit trap waste, grease trap waste, septic tank pumpings, domestic septage, chemical toilet waste, municipal wastewater treatment plant sludge, other types of domestic sewage treatment plant sludge, and water-supply treatment plant sludge. Find out how to manage these wastes, and if you need to notify the TCEQ or obtain a permit or registration.
Information for Generators of Municipal Liquid Waste
If you generate liquid waste, you must ensure that your waste is properly handled and disposed.
Transporting Municipal Liquid Waste
If you transport liquid wastes, including sludges, you will need to register as a transporter
Transferring Municipal Liquid Waste
If you plan to transfer liquid waste, you will need to obtain a permit or a registration for a liquid waste transfer facility. You may temporarily store a limited volume of liquid waste at a location outside of a transfer facility under certain conditions.
Processing Municipal Liquid Waste
If you plan to accept liquid waste for processing, you must obtain a permit or registration from the TCEQ unless the activity is conducted at a permitted landfill.
Disposing of Municipal Liquid Waste
Liquid waste from municipal sources may be disposed of in a landfill if it has been processed, or it may be composted, recycled, or applied to land under certain conditions.
Waste from Oil-Water Separators
If you are handling an oily water mixture from an oil-water separator, contact the Used Oil Recycling Program to find out if you need a separate authorization.
For More Information
TexasEnviroHelp - Small Business and Local Government Assistance
Resources to help small businesses and local governments comply with environmental regulations.
Contact the MSW Permits Section
Please contact the Municipal Solid Waste Permits Section by mail, telephone, or email if you have questions about the transfer, processing, storage, or disposal of municipal liquid waste.