Municipal Liquid Waste Processing
If you accept municipal liquid waste for processing, you must obtain a permit or registration unless the activity is conducted at a permitted landfill. Links to forms and guidance.
On this page:
Registration or Permit for Fixed Processing Facility
Operations Requiring a Registration
A municipal solid waste processing facility that processes only grease trap waste, grit trap waste from commercial car washes, or septage, or a combination of these wastes may do so under a registration according to Title 30, Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC) Chapter 330, Section 330.9(f) , if either of the following conditions are met:
- The facility attains a 10 percent recovery of material for beneficial use from the incoming waste
- The processing facility is located at a manned public wastewater treatment facility permitted to discharge at least one million gallons per day
Facilities meeting one of these exemptions may obtain a registration by following the procedures in 30 TAC 330.57 through 330.73 , and must comply with the operational standards in 30 TAC Chapter 330, Subchapter E .
Operations Requiring a Permit
Fixed liquid waste processing facilities that do not meet the conditions for a registration must apply for a permit following the procedures in 30 TAC 330.57 through 330.73 , and must comply with the operational standards in 30 TAC Chapter 330, Subchapter E .
Registration for Mobile Processing Unit
Under 30 TAC 330.9(g) , a registration is required for a mobile liquid waste processing unit that processes grease trap waste, grit trap waste from commercial car washes, or septage, or a combination of these wastes. Mobile liquid waste processing units must obtain a registration by following the applicable rules in 30 TAC 330.9(g) and 330.57 through 330.73 , and must comply with the operational standards in 30 TAC Chapter 330, Subchapter E .
Processing at a Permitted Landfill
Under 30 TAC 330.11(d) , a separate permit is not required for the storage or processing of grease trap waste, grit trap waste, or septage that contains free liquids if the waste is treated or processed at a permitted Type I MSW landfill, provided the landfill facility complies with the notification requirements of 30 TAC 330.11 (a) through (c) . The notification requirement may be satisfied by submitting a permit modification, with notice, addressing the rule requirements in 30 TAC 305.70(e) . The permit modification should address the applicable rules in 30 TAC 330.63 , 330.65 , and 30 TAC Chapter 330, Subchapter E (such as waste acceptance, waste management unit design, unit closure, and unit operating procedures).
Registration for Experimental Processing Facilities
Under 30 TAC 330.9(h) , a permit is not required for an MSW Type VI facility that demonstrates new management methods for processing or handling grease trap waste, grit trap waste from car washes, or septage, or a combination of these three liquid wastes. Facilities meeting this exemption must obtain a registration by following the procedures in 30 TAC 330.57 through 330.73 , and must comply with the operational standards in 30 TAC Chapter 330, Subchapter E .
Applying for a Permit or Registration
Contact MSW Permits Section
Please contact the MSW Permits Section if you have questions about municipal liquid waste processing.