What's in Wastewater Permit Application Packages
TCEQ will publish pending permit applications for wastewater discharge, land application, concentrated animal operations, and sludge. This page explains these application packages and their contents.
What Applications Include
Applications for wastewater permits include materials you may want to review. You may look up a pending application for several types of permits if you know any of the following:
- Applicant Name
- Facility Name
- TCEQ Authorization Number
- County (where facility is proposed)
You’ll be able to view or download the application package—in PDF—for the application you want more information about. Large files may be split into multiple smaller files for download. Please see What’s in Wastewater Permit Application Packages for more detailed information about each document. Available packages include:
Admin Package
These are materials related to an application from the date TCEQ receives it until the date it is declared administratively complete. The file will contain the following documents:
- Cover page
- Summary of the application (in plain language)
- First notice (NORI-Notice of Receipt of Application and Intent to Obtain a Permit)
- Application materials
Tech Package
These are materials related to an application from the date TCEQ receives it until the date it is declared technically complete. The file will contain the following documents:
- Cover page
- Summary of the application (in plain language)
- First notice (NORI)
- Second notice (NAPD-Notice of Preliminary Decision)
- Application materials
- Draft permit
- Technical summary of fact sheet
Public Meeting Notice
Document related to a scheduled public meeting on a pending permit application.
- Cover page
- Summary of the application (in plain language)
- Public meeting notice
More About Permitting
Also see Municipal Domestic Wastewater: The Permitting Process and Industrial Wastewater Discharges: The Permit Process webpages.
Environmental Permitting: Participating in the Process - Explains how you can learn about opportunities to participate in the permit application process, get answers to questions about pending TCEQ permit applications, and find our toll free hotline number 800-687-4040.
To submit comments about a permit application, go to the Pending TCEQ Permits webpage.
For more information about a specific permit action, visit the Commissioners Integrated Database (CID). If you have questions about the CID, please contact the Office of Chief Clerk at info@tceq.texas.gov.
If you need more information about water quality applications, email the Water Quality Division, Applications Review and Processing Team or call 512-239-4671.