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Municipal Domestic Wastewater: The Permitting Process

This page contains instructions for obtaining municipal domestic wastewater permits under the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) and Texas Land Application Permits (TLAP).

Recommended Steps Before You Apply

  1. Contact TCEQ Permitting staff well in advance of applying for a new permit or major amendment to an existing permit.

    This is not a requirement, but is highly recommended for new facilities or major changes to existing permitted facilities. Our staff will help you determine if a permit is needed, the type of permit needed, and the information to provide in a permit application package.

  2. For TPDES permits, find out whether the water body receiving the discharge is listed as impaired on the approved 2022 Texas 303(d) list. Water bodies listed as impaired may affect the parameters of your permit. New discharges into impaired water bodies may not be allowed or may come with stringent requirements.

    The Texas Water Quality Inventory and 303(d) List describe the status of the state's waters on historical surface and groundwater quality data (the Inventory) and identify water bodies that are not meeting standards set for their use (the List). The List must be approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) before it is considered final. On July 1, 2022, EPA approved the 2022 Texas Water Quality 303(d) list submitted on June 1,2022.

  3. Complete and submit a permit application package at least 330 days before the proposed discharge begins or as soon as possible for new or amended discharges. Submit renewal applications 180 days prior to permit expiration.
    • Alternatively, applicants may submit a completed physical application (i.e., paper copy) and submit an electronic copy of the application via TCEQ’s file transfer protocol (FTP) server to If a completed physical application is submitted, an electronic copy of the application must be uploaded via TCEQ’s FTP server for the application to be considered complete.

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Application Forms and Instructions

The following instructions and forms are needed to complete the permit application package. They may be used to submit an application for a new permit, a major amendment or minor amendment to an existing permit, or to submit an application to renew an existing permit.

  • Completing the Domestic Wastewater Permit Application 
    These instructions include information on who needs to apply for a wastewater permit, what should be included in the application for the administrative and technical reports, various worksheet instructions, examples, and fee information.

  • Domestic Administrative Report 
    Complete applicable sections, the checklist, and include the appropriate signatures. Submit the appropriate fees. If the report is not in the same format and page numbering sequence, the application will not be processed.

  • Domestic Technical Report 
    Complete applicable sections and worksheets. If the report is not in the same format and page numbering sequence, the application will not be processed.

  • Sewage Sludge Technical Report 
    Submit this report to include authorization to land-apply sludge, market and distribute sludge, or use other sludge disposal options in your domestic wastewater permit. This document also includes instructions for completing the report.

  • Core Data Form ( Core Data Instructions)
    Complete and submit as part of your application. This form requests basic information about the owner, the operator and the site, and is required for all new, renewal, or amendment applications.

  • Public Involvement Plan Form ( Public Involvement Plan Instructions)
    Complete and submit as part of your application for all new and major amendment applications submitted on or after November 1, 2022.

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Application Review and Permitting Process

After TCEQ receives the application, it will go through an administrative and technical review:

  • Administrative Review
    Staff will check to make sure the application is complete and the administrative portion of the application includes appropriate information. If not, you will be sent a Notice of Deficiency letter describing what information is needed by a certain date. If deficiencies are not addressed within a specified time period, the application may be returned.

    The Notice of Receipt of Application and Intent to Obtain Permit or NORI is the first notice you must publish. It is published only after the application is declared administratively complete. Do not publish this notice until you have received the issued notice and instructions from us. You may also be required to publish the notice in an alternative language based on the bilingual education programs in the middle school or elementary school nearest to the facility. If you are required to translate the NORI into Spanish, you may use our Spanish templates.

  • Technical Review
    The technical aspects of the application will be reviewed and evaluated. You may be contacted for additional information. If information is not received by the date requested, the application may be returned. If the application is declared technically complete, staff will proceed with preparing a draft permit, technical summary or fact sheet for the application and public notice.

    The Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision or NAPD is the second notice an applicant must publish. It is published only after technical review of the application is complete and we have made a preliminary decision to issue the draft permit. Do not publish this notice until you have received the issued notice and instructions from us. You may also be required to publish the notice in an alternative language based on the bilingual education programs in the middle school or elementary school nearest to the facility. If you are required to translate the NAPD into Spanish, you may use our Spanish templates.

  • Comments from the Applicant
    You will be given the opportunity to review and provide comments on the draft permit. In addition, certain permits are sent to EPA for their review and approval after comments from the applicant are resolved. The draft permit is then filed with the TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk and instructions on the second public notice are mailed to the applicant.

    You must publish notice in a local and widely distributed newspaper and make a copy of the application and draft permit available in a public place. The notice informs the public that the TCEQ has prepared a draft wastewater permit and provides instructions for commenting on the application. The public may provide comments or request a public meeting or hearing on the application.

  • Public Comments
    Comments on the application and draft permit are considered by the TCEQ and if requested, the TCEQ may hold a public meeting. The TCEQ staff will prepare a Response to Comments that addresses all of the public comments received during the comment period on the application and draft permit. The application may also be referred by the Commission for a public hearing if requested by affected parties. The Commissioners’ Integrated Database (CID) allows you to search for data from the Office of The Chief Clerk, which includes items submitted by the public on a pending application (e.g., comments, requests for contested case hearings, etc.).

  • Final Action on the Application
    The commission or TCEQ may issue the draft permit or revise the draft permit based on public comments or recommendations from the public hearing. If a permit is issued, you will need to comply with the provisions of the permit which include effluent limits and monitoring requirements, standard provisions, sludge provisions, and other requirements. In addition, you will be required to pay an Annual Water Quality Fee.

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Additional Application Forms for Municipal Domestic Wastewater Facilities

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Rules for Municipal Domestic Wastewater Permits

Some of the relevant Rules for Domestic Wastewater Permits are available at our website.

Feel free to contact the Water Quality Division if you have questions.

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