Sewage Sludge and Biosolids: Am I Regulated?
Before the final use and disposal of sewage sludge and biosolids in Texas, consider whether you need to contact TCEQ:
To process or dispose of sewage sludge or biosolids or apply it to the land, you must first obtain an individual permit. Class B biosolids is a classification of sewage sludge based on the levels of disease-causing organisms (pathogens). For a complete legal definition of Class B biosolids, see Title 30, Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC), Section 312.8
To apply domestic septage to the land, you must first register with the TCEQ. Domestic septage is the material pumped from septic tanks and similar wastes—but not chemical toilet waste or grit and grease trap waste. For a complete legal definition of domestic septage, see Title 30, Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC), Section 312.8 .
To land apply or dispose of water treatment residuals to the land, you must first register with the TCEQ. Water treatment residuals are generated during the treatment of surface water or groundwater for potable use. For a complete legal definition of water treatment residuals, see Title 30, Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC), Section 312.8 .
To apply Class A or Class AB biosolids to the land, you must first notify notify the TCEQ. Class A or Class AB biosolids has been treated to reduce pathogens and its attractiveness to vectors to a greater extent than is achieved in Class B biosolids. For a complete legal definition of Class A or Class AB biosolids, see Title 30, Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC), Section 312.8
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Land Application Team of the TCEQ Water Quality Division at P.O. Box 13087, MC-150, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Land Application Team (Attention Biosolids) by phone at (512) 239-4671.