Marine Seawater Desalination: House Bills 2031 and 4097
The TCEQ will be implementing rule changes for regulating seawater desalination as required by House Bills 2031 and 4097, 84th Texas Legislative Session. The rules will include an expedited permit process for diverting marine seawater, and discharging treated marine seawater and waste resulting from the desalination process.
Stakeholder Meeting on Rulemaking for Marine Seawater Desalination under HB 2031 and HB 4097: Held Oct. 8, 2015
- Meeting Announcement
- Marine Seawater Desalination: HB 2031 and HB 4097 Presentation
- Meeting Agenda
- Stakeholder Meeting Video
Questions about diverting marine seawater?
Brooke McGregor512-239-2025
Questions about discharging treated marine seawater and waste resulting from the desalination process?
Laurie Fleet512-239-5445