Applications and Forms Related to Surface Water Rights
The use of surface water in Texas is regulated through a system of water rights. Learn more about these rights, how to obtain them, and see what applications are under review.
Water Right applications should be submitted in two
parts: an electronic copy should be submitted directly to, and one hard copy should be submitted to the TCEQ Central
Office, Mail Code 160 with the required payment. If the files are too
large to be submitted via e-mail, TCEQ's FTP may be utilized. Please visit
FTP help site
for more information on how to transfer. If you need to submit a Water
Right application via FTP, please send an e-mail to
for further direction on how to transfer these files to staff.
Change of Ownership requests may be submitted directly to If your files are too large to be submitted via e-mail, TCEQ's FTP may be utilized. Please visit the FTP help site for more information on how to transfer. If you need to submit a Change of Ownership via FTP, please send an e-mail to for further direction on how to transfer these files to staff.
Water Rights Application Process
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality evaluates each water right application to determine if it can be granted. This involves a review to ensure:
- the application is administratively complete, with all the information we need to evaluate it (according to Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 295
- technical requirements are met, such as water availability, conservation, and environmental aspects (see 30 TAC 288 , 297 , and 298
The TCEQ will assign a project manager to coordinate with the technical and legal staff that reviews the application. This gives you one point of contact within the agency.
The Water Rights Permitting Team typically processes simple and uncontested applications within 300 days. In some cases, a public notice may be required, or a request for a contested case hearing may be received, which could increase the processing time.
To speed up the process, make sure your application is complete before submitting it. We encourage you to meet with permitting and technical review staff at TCEQ before applying. This helps alert you to potential problems or areas of concern where additional information is needed.
New Water Rights and Amendment Applications:
TCEQ Water Rights Permitting Application: For new appropriations of state water or amending existing water right permits, use the instructions below and complete and submit the following two forms.
- Instructions for Completing the Water Rights Permitting Application (TCEQ-10214a)
- Administrative Information Checklist (TCEQ-10214b)
- Instructions for Completing a Public Involvement Plan Form for Permit and Registration Applications (TCEQ-20960-inst)
- Public Involvement Plan Form for Permit and Registration Applications (TCEQ-20960)
Extension of Time Application:
For extending the time to begin and/or complete construction of an authorized project, use the instructions below and complete and submit the application form.
- Instructions for Completing the Extension of Time Application (TCEQ-10203b)
- Application for an Extension of Time to Begin or Complete Construction of an Authorized Project (TCEQ-10203c)
TCEQ Temporary Water Rights Permit:
This form is for an application for a temporary water use permit to divert water under Section §11.138, Texas Water Code. Any permit granted from this application may be suspended at any time by the applicable TCEQ Office if it is determined that surplus water is no longer available.
Application for a temporary water use permit FOR MORE THAN 10 ACRE-FEET OF WATER, and/or for a diversion period longer than one calendar year but not exceeding three years.
- NEW Temporary Water Rights Permit Application (TCEQ-10202)
- NEW Instructions for Completing the Temporary Water Rights Permit Application (TCEQ-10202-inst)
Regional or Watermaster office:
Application for a temporary water use permit FOR UP TO 10 ACRE-FEET OF
WATER, and/or for a diversion period up to ONE calendar year.
Change of Ownership of a Water Right Form
If you acquire all or part of a water right, or property with an appurtenant water right, submit documentation and a Change of Ownership Form:
- Instructions for the Change of Ownership Form (TCEQ-10204inst)
- Change of Ownership Form (TCEQ-10204)
- conveyance documents (deeds, wills)
- $100 application fee, payable to TCEQ
Abandonment of a Water Right Form This action to voluntarily abandon, and the subsequent cancellation of, your water right may not be reversed and obtaining a water right in the future will require a new application for water. New applications require application/notice fees and may or may not be granted, subject to water availability.
Registration Exemption Forms
Mariculture Operation: For registering an exempt mariculture operation (TWC Section 11.1421 and TAC Section 297.24), you will need to use the instructions below and complete and submit the following forms.
- Instructions for Completing the Exempt Mariculture Operation Form (TCEQ-10219a)
- Mariculture Registration Form (TCEQ-10219b)
- Exempt Mariculture Operation Supplement Form (TCEQ-10219c)
Dry Fire Hydrant for Emergency Use of Water Permit Exemption: For requesting a permit exemption for a dry fire hydrant for emergency use, you will need to use the instructions below and complete and submit the Permit Exemption Form.
- Instructions for Completing the Dry Fire Hydrant for Emergency Use of Water Permit Exemption Form (TCEQ-10209a)
- Permit Exemption Form (TCEQ-10209b)
- Reporting Form (TCEQ-10209c)
Pending Water Right Applications
Check the status of your pending application.For More Information
Send completed water right applications to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Water Availability Division, P.O. Box 13087, MC-160, Austin, Texas, 78711-3087
For more information, to find out about the status of your application, or for help filling out forms, please contact the Water Rights Permitting Team at 512-239-4600 or e-mail us at