IHW Cleanup & Closure Contacts
Contacts for IHW Corrective Action and Closures, Compliance Plans, and Spill Cleanups; Instructions for submitting documents.
Closure Contacts
- For Notice of Registration questions and updates: Registration and Reporting Section: 512-239-6833; Mail Code MC-129.
- For technical questions and closure document submittal for hazardous waste permitted units: IHW Permits: 512-239-2335; Mail Code MC-130.
- For technical questions and submittal of closure reports for other waste management units: Remediation Division, VCP-CA section: 512-239-2283; Mail Code MC-127.
Compliance Plan Contacts
- For questions on Permit and Compliance Plan application processing: Contact IHW Permits at 512-239-2335.
- For Compliance Plan technical questions: Contact the Remediation Division, VCP-CA section at 512-239-2283.
Spill Cleanup
- Notification, emergency response, spill cleanups that take less than 180 days: See our Emergency Response Web page. Note that most spills requiring less than 6 months to clean up are reviewed by Region office staff.
- Cleanups that require more than 180 days and spills that impact groundwater may be referred from the Region office to the Remediation Division for oversight. Contact our Region office that serves the county in which the cleanup is needed or our Remediation Division, VCP-CA section at 512-239-2283.
When sending correspondence and documents to the IHW Corrective Action Program, please be sure to:
- Include the Solid Waste Registration number or Facility ID (Txxxx or Fxxxx).
- Include "Mail Code MC-127" in the address, for more efficient routing.
Correspondence ID Form (TCEQ Form 20428) – The correspondence identification form must accompany all correspondence submitted to all Remediation Division cleanup programs and should be affixed to the front of your submittal as a cover page on or after June 1, 2010.
Correspondence ID Form Instructions (TCEQ Form 20428) – Instructions to assist in completing the Correspondence ID Form.
The Correspondence ID Form requires macros to be enabled on your PC. If you prefer not to enable macros, you can use our non-macro version of the form. If using the non-macro version, please refer to the Correspondence ID Form Instructions for information needed to complete the form.
Our mailing address:
IHW Corrective Action Program, MC-127
TCEQ Remediation Division
P.O. Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087
Our physical address for overnight deliveries:
IHW Corrective Action Program, MC-127
TCEQ Remediation Division
12100 Park 35 Circle, Building D
Austin, TX 78753
For more information, contact us by phone at 512-239-2283 or e-mail us at corract@tceq.texas.gov.