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Double R Plating

This former metal plating facility in Cass County has been remediated under the state Superfund Program. No further Superfund environmental response actions are required.

Site Summary

This 15-acre site on the west side of U.S. County Road 3544 is approximately one-half mile north of the intersection of 3544 and FM 96, near Queen City, Cass County. A metal plating operation, Double R Plating, used the site from the mid-to-late 1970s until 1987.

Electroplating at the site resulted in waste accumulating that contained zinc, chromium, and other metals, which were subsequently discharged onto a hillside behind the processing building adjacent to an unnamed creek.

Superfund Registry and Investigation

In 1991 the TCEQ proposed the site to the state Superfund registry. The remedial investigation revealed chromium in site soils.

Remedial Action

An Administrative Order was issued in 1997, listing the site on the state Superfund Registry, establishing cleanup goals, and selecting the remedial action for the site, which consisted of excavating affected soil, removing waste materials and disposal at an off-site permitted landfill.

Additionally, the processing building was cleaned to remove visible sediments, and on-site wells were plugged and abandoned to prevent contaminants from migrating into the groundwater. Cleanup was completed in 1998 and the site was deleted from the registry in 1999.

Current Status

No further Superfund environmental response actions are required.