TRRP Guidance and Forms
Provides links to TRRP guidance and forms.
Following are the TRRP guidance documents, including the final documents in the numbered series of TRRP Guidance. We appreciate comments on the usability of the documents and forms. If you have comments, please e-mail the Technical Program Support Team in the Remediation Division Support Section.
Guidance Documents
- Introduction to TRRP (TRRP-2 to TRRP-4)
- Affected Property Assessments (TRRP-7 to TRRP-17)
- Development of Human Health PCLs (TRRP-18 to TRRP-27)
- Remedy Standards (TRRP-28 to TRRP-34)
- Other General Topics (TRRP Rule, TRRP PCLs, Ecological Risk Assessment)
TRRP Guidance Documents
Introduction to TRRP (TRRP-2 to TRRP-4)
- TRRP Applicability and Grandfathering (TRRP-2) Use to determine whether these rules apply to your site or facility. Lists exclusions and situations that qualify for "grandfathering." (January 2010)
Closure of Waste Management Units Subject to TRRP (TRRP-2A)
Explains the closure performance standard, waste unit deactivation, release determination and response, and content of reports documenting closure. (July 2011) -
TRRP Compatibility with RCRA (TRRP-3)
Explains how facilities can comply with both the TRRP rule and the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) for unit closures, permit modification, corrective actions, or soil reuse. (March 2009) -
Comparison of 30 TAC 335 and 30 TAC 350: Points to Consider in Making the Shift (TRRP-4)
Summarizes the primary differences between the Risk Reduction Rule and TRRP. (March 2009)
Affected Property Assessments (TRRP-7 to TRRP-17)
Land Use Classification (TRRP-7)
Describes and depicts how land use classifications are made under the TRRP rule. (October 2008) -
Groundwater Classification (TRRP-8)
Provides recommended procedures for classifying groundwater and documenting the classification. (March 2010) -
Selecting Target Chemicals of Concern (TRRP-10)
Designed to help the person determine the appropriate chemicals of concern for analysis of environmental media when responding to TRRP. (September 2008) -
Affected Property Assessment Requirements (TRRP-12)
Outlines requirements for defining the three-dimensional extent of the affected property and protective concentration level exceedance zones. (May 2010) -
Review and Reporting of COC Concentration Data (TRRP-13)
Review and Reporting of COC Concentration Data (TRRP-13)
Provides the procedures for review and reporting of chemical of concern concentration data. (May 2010) -
Screening Target Chemicals of Concern from PCL Development (TRRP-14)
Describes a step-by-step process to screen target chemicals of concern from PCL development. (January 2019) -
Determining Representative Concentrations of Chemicals of Concern for Ecological Receptors (TRRP-15eco)
Describes how to determine representative concentrations, defining exposure areas, and evaluating potential hot spots for ecological exposure pathways. (November 2013)
- GW-SW Discharge Concentration | Accessible version
A tool to allow a user to calculate a discharge-weighted representative groundwater COC concentration at a surface water interface. (October 2012)
Institutional Controls (TRRP-16)
Describes the process to apply institutional controls as required by TRRP. (May 2010) -
Notification Requirements (TRRP-17)
Describes to whom, when, and how notification regarding environmental samples is to occur. (March 2009)
Development of Human Health PCLs (TRRP-18 to TRRP-27)
Risk Levels, Hazard Indices, and Cumulative Adjustments (TRRP-18)
Provides instruction in the correct use of carcinogenic risk levels and noncarcinogenic hazard indices for effects due to the presence of both individual and multiple chemicals of concern when setting human health PCLs. (October 2008) -
Toxicity Factors and Chemical/Physical Parameters (TRRP-19)
Describes how changes in human toxicity factors will be handled. (March 2009) -
Human Health Points of Exposure (TRRP-21)
Describes the on-site and off-site locations of the prescribed and alternate human health points of exposure to environmental media. (March 2009) -
Tiered Development of Human Health PCLs (TRRP-22)
Discusses the process of establishing protective concentration levels (PCLs) in accordance with the various tiers set forth in the TRRP rule. (November 2010) -
Tier 1 PCL Tables (TRRP-23)
Describes how to interpret and use Tier 1 PCL tables in the assessment and cleanup of contaminated properties. (March 2009)
Determining PCLs for Surface Water and Sediment (TRRP-24)
Describes how to determine the surface water and sediment PCLs for human and ecological receptors, the surface water risk-based exposure limit (RBEL), and the source media PCLs for groundwater and soil. (December 2007)
Companion documents for TRRP-24:
- Direct Human Contact Sediment PCL table (August 2023)
- Human Health Surface Water RBELs tables (March 2024)
- Aquatic Life Benchmark Table (October 2024)
- Note that the surface water benchmark table is one of several tabs in an excel file that represents the ecological benchmarks. The surface water benchmark table is equivalent to, and replaces, the aquatic life surface water RBELs table.
- Surface Water Contact Recreation PCLs (March 2006)
- Stream low flow (7Q2) and harmonic mean flow data (September 2007)
Critical PCLs (TRRP-25)
Defines the "critical PCL" and outlines the steps to determine the critical PCL on a site-specific basis. (March 2009) -
Development of Human Health PCLs for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Mixtures (TRRP-27)
Describes the process to establish human health-based protective concentration levels (PCLs) for total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) mixtures. (January 2010)
Remedy Standards (TRRP-28 to TRRP-34)
Application of Remedy Standards A and B (TRRP-28)
Describes how to use site-specific information to determine whether Remedy Standard A or B is appropriate. (October 2008) -
Soil and Groundwater Response Objectives (TRRP-29)
Describes the soil and groundwater response objectives that must be achieved in order to achieve Remedy Standards A and B. (February 2009) -
Risk-Based NAPL Management (TRRP-32)
Explains the risk-based management approach for non-aqueous phase liquid and presents a five-step process to address the rule requirements. (July 2013) -
Monitored Natural Attenuation Demonstrations (TRRP-33)
Describes the application and demonstration of monitored natural attenuation at affected properties. (September 2010) -
Facility Operations Areas (TRRP-34)
Provides guidance on the information and procedures necessary to establish a Facility Operations Area to implement corrective action in the operational area of a petroleum refinery or chemical plant when there are multiples sources of chemicals of concern. (January 2010)
Other General Topics (TRRP Rule, TRRP PCLs, Ecological Risk Assessment)
Determining Which Releases are Subject to TRRP
This document helps the person know when a spill or historical release of a chemical may fall under the TRRP rule. -
Update to TRRP Questions and Answers
An updated list of TRRP rule interpretation questions and answers. (March 2004) -
TRRP Questions and Answers
A list of TRRP rule interpretation questions and answers. (June 2001) -
Transition to Texas Risk Reduction Program of projects with portions closed under the 30 TAC 335 Risk Reduction rule
Explains how to transition sites into TRRP that have already been partially closed under the predecessor to TRRP, the Risk Reduction Rules. (July 2000) -
Use of Software Programs for TRRP
Provides guidance on use of third-party software to calculate protective concentration levels. (Undated) - 1999 Adoption Preamble
- 2007 Adoption Preamble
TRRP Protective Concentration Levels (PCLs)
COCs for which Calculation of a Human Health PCL is not Required
Lists certain chemicals which do not typically require evaluation for human health concerns under TRRP and explains why each does not require calculation of a PCL. (March 2007) -
Interoffice memo that explains how to handle total and speciated analytical data for chromium in soil, groundwater, and surface water at TRRP sites. (November 2002) -
Implementation of the 2002 arsenic MCL in the Remediation Programs
Interoffice memo describing how Remediation Division programs should implement the February 22, 2002, revision to the federal maximum contaminant level for arsenic. (November 2002) -
Evaluation of the Potential Health Impacts of Exposure to Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, and Phosphorus through Soil Ingestion
Interoffice memo explaining how to evaluate certain chemicals in soil at Remediation Division sites. (October 2001) -
Tier 2 PCL Equations
Document showing Tier 2 PCL equations for lateral groundwater transport, lateral air transport, soil-to-groundwater calculations, and the theoretical soil saturation limit equation for liquids, including information on the appropriate use of either default or site-specific input values in the equations. (March 2000)
Ecological Risk Assessment
- Guidance for Conducting Ecological Risk Assessments at Remediation Sites in Texas (RG-263) (August 2018)
Supporting Documentation for the TCEQ’s Ecological Benchmark Tables (RG-263b)
Provides supporting documentation for the surface water, sediment, and soil benchmarks used as part of the ecological risk assessment process. (August 2018) -
Case Study for the TCEQ's Ecological Risk Assessment Process (RG-263c)
Provides case study examples of a Tier 1 Exclusion Criteria Checklist, a Tier 2 Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment, and an Ecological Services Analysis. (August 2018) -
Tier 1 eco exclusion criteria checklist
Provides the ecological exclusion criteria checklist instructions and form used for Tier 1 ecological evaluations (also available in 30 TAC 350.77(b))
Report Forms
Self-Implementation Notice (10323/SIN)
(February 2005)
Self-Implementation Notice -
Affected Property Assessment Report (10325/APAR)
(June 2005)
Affected Property Assessment Report tables only -
Response Action Plan (10326/RAP)
(February 2005)
Response Action Plan -
Response Action Effectiveness Report (10327/RAER)
(February 2005)
Response Action Effectiveness Report -
Response Action Completion Report (10328/RACR)
(February 2005)
Response Action Completion Report -
Post-Response Action Care Report (10329/PRACR)
(February 2005)
Post-Response Action Care Report -
Notice of Intent to Switch to TRRP (10337/NOIST)
(February 2005)
Notice of Intent to Switch to TRRP