Water Rights During Drought
How water rights are managed, priority dates, senior water rights, groundwater production and use, and watermasters. How to make a priority call or water-right complaint.
Water Rights and Water Use During Drought
Answers to common questions about water rights and water use, who may be exempt such as domestic and livestock users, how to find out who has a water rights permit, and information about priority dates, junior and senior water rights, and the Prior Appropriation Doctrine.
In some parts of the state, watermasters allocate water between users and ensure compliance with water rights.
How to Make a Water Right Complaint
The TCEQ's Office of Compliance and Enforcement will respond to water rights complaints outside watermaster areas in an expedited manner.
Priority Calls: How to Claim Water Rights
Find out how to make a priority call for rights to water during drought in Texas.
Groundwater Regulation for Private Well Owners
How groundwater production and use is managed and regulated in Texas.