Hurricane Beryl Response
Information you may need if you are affected by Hurricane Beryl.
Acting Governor Dan Patrick has issued a disaster declaration . Further declarations and updates can be found on the Office of the Texas Governor’s website .
On this page:
Reports on Conditions
Following the landfall of Hurricane Beryl, TCEQ initiated air monitoring surveys in the impacted areas.
Waste Management Guidance
- Household Hazardous Waste Guidance
How to comply with requirements and organize household hazardous waste collection events. - Managing Debris from Declared Disasters (RG-518) - A lot of debris may be recycled, so before you haul it to the landfill, see what might be recycled in the table at the end of this guidance information. (Check back soon for new revisions.)
- Locations of Landfills (GI-611)
- Hauling Hurricane-Related Debris to the Curb in Participating Areas
Following these specific guidelines will make for a speedier removal process. Check with your local government on what is available for you. - Waste for Authorized Facilities Responding to Disasters (RG-517c)
- Temporary Debris Management form
- Disposing of Animal Carcasses Left Behind by Declared Disasters (RG-591) - A guide for farm and ranch owners, state agencies, and local authorities when faced with animal mortalities.
- Additional Information from the Texas Animal Health Commission
Underground Storage Tank Guidance
Drinking Water Guidance
General Public
- After the Flood: Is Your Water Safe to Drink?
- Disinfecting Your Private Well (GI-432)
- Desinfectar Su Pozo Privado (GI-432esp)
- How to Sample Your Well Water and Understand the Results (GI-433)
Public Water Systems
- Tips for public water systems to follow before a natural disaster
- Guidance for public water systems (RG-517b)
- Guidance for Boil Water Notices
- Boil Water notices in English or Spanish:
- Laboratories Accredited to Test Water for Bacteria
Water Haulers
Wastewater Treatment Plant Guidance
After a hurricane, flood, tornado or other disaster, this information will help you manage conditions at your wastewater treatment plant.
Air Permit Guidance
If your facility has a permit to protect air quality, read the following information after a hurricane or other disaster. The guidance will help operators and owners prevent or minimize any increased risk to human health and safety.