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2004 Texas 303(d) List and Status and Category of All Waters

Links to a copy of the 2004 303(d) List, the Status and Category of All Waters, and 2004 methodology, and describes the categories.

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2004 303(d) List

Status and Category of All Waters

The Texas Water Quality Inventory assigns each assessed area, or assessment unit (AU), to one of five categories. These categories provide information about water quality status in relation to the designated use, and about management activities in progress. When a water body has parameters in multiple subcategories, its overall category is the highest category.

2004 Methodology

This report explains how the 303(d) list is prepared and how water bodies are prioritized for management activities.

2004 Methodology for Developing the Texas List of Water Bodies Not Meeting Surface Water Quality Standards (PDF, January 22, 2004).

Description of the Categories

For a more detailed explanation of the categories, see 2004 Strategy for a Comprehensive Assessment and Categorization of Waters in Texas (PDF, May 13, 2005).

Category 1—Attaining the water quality standard and no use is threatened.

Category 2—Attaining some of the designated uses; no use is threatened; and insufficient or no data and information are available to determine if the remaining uses are attained or threatened.

Category 3—Insufficient or no data and information to determine if any designated use is attained.

Category 4—Standard is not supported or is threatened for one or more designated uses but does not require the development of a Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL).

Category 4a—TMDL has been completed and approved by EPA.
Category 4b—Other pollution control requirements are reasonably expected to result in the attainment of the water quality standard in the near future.
Category 4c—Nonsupport of the water quality standard is not caused by a pollutant.

Category 5—The water body does not meet applicable water quality standards or is threatened for one or more designated uses by one or more pollutants. Category 5 water bodies comprise the 303(d) List.

Category 5a—A TMDL is under way, is scheduled, or will be scheduled.
Category 5b—A review of the water quality standards will be conducted before a TMDL is scheduled.
Category 5c—Additional data and information will be collected before a TMDL is scheduled.