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Texas Clean Rivers Program Partners

A list of regional water authorities that carry out the Clean Rivers Program in their respective basin(s).


Clean Rivers Program Partner Contact List

Fifteen regional water authorities (12 river authorities, 1 water district, 1 council of governments, and an international water commission) have contracts with the TCEQ to conduct water quality monitoring, assessment, and stakeholder outreach in the 23 major river and coastal basins of Texas.

Angelina and Neches River Authority

For the upper portion of the Neches River Basin

Mr. Andrew Henry
2901 N John Redditt Dr
Lufkin, TX 75904
Fax: 936/632-2564

Brazos River Authority

For the Brazos River Basin

Ms. Jenna Olson
P.O. Box 7555
Waco, TX 76714-7555
(4600 Cobbs Drive)
Fax: 254/761-3207

Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority

For the Guadalupe River Basin and the Lavaca-Guadalupe Coastal Basin

Ms. Elizabeth Edgerton
933 E. Court Street
Seguin, TX 78155
Fax: 830/379-9718

Houston-Galveston Area Council

For the San Jacinto River Basin and the Trinity–San Jacinto, San Jacinto–Brazos, and Brazos-Colorado Coastal Basins

Mr. Todd Running
P.O. Box 22777
Houston, TX 77227-2777
(3555 Timmons Lane, Suite 120)
Fax: 713/993-4503

International Boundary and Water Commission

For the Rio Grande Basin

Ms. Lisa Torres
The Commons, Building C, Suite 100
4191 North Mesa Street
El Paso, Texas 79902-1441
Fax: 915/832-4166

Lavaca-Navidad River Authority

For the Lavaca River Basin

Mr. Chad Kinsfather
P.O. Box 429
Edna, TX 77957-0429
(Junction of FM 1822 & FM 3131)
Fax: 361/782-5310

Lower Colorado River Authority

For the Colorado River Basin and the Colorado-Lavaca Coastal Basin

Ms. Lisa Benton
P.O. Box 220
Austin, TX 78767-0220
(3701 Lake Austin Blvd)
Fax: 512/473-4066

Lower Neches Valley Authority

For the Neches-Trinity Coastal Basin and the lower portion of the Neches River Basin

Ms. Jeannie Mahan
P.O. Box 5117
Beaumont, TX 77726-5117
(7850 East-Tex Freeway)
Fax: 409/898-2468

Northeast Texas Municipal Water District

For the Cypress Creek Basin

Mr. Robert Speight
P.O. Box 955
Hughes Springs, TX 75656-0955
(4180 FM 250)
Fax: 903/639-2208

Nueces River Authority

For the Nueces River Basin and the San Antonio–Nueces and Nueces–Rio Grande Coastal Basins

Ms. Lorie Flores
539 Highway 83 South
Uvalde, TX 78801

Ms. Jessica Wright
500 IH 69, Suite 805
Robstown, TX 78380
Fax: 361/653-2115

Red River Authority of Texas

For the Canadian and Red River Basins

Mr. Daniel Medenwaldt
P.O. Box 240
Wichita Falls, TX 76307-240
(3000 Hammon Rd)
Fax: 940/723-8531

Sabine River Authority of Texas

For the Sabine River Basin

Mr. Kaleb McDade
Upper Basin Field Office
353 PR 5183
Quitman, TX 75783
Fax: 409/746-3780

San Antonio River Authority

For the San Antonio River Basin

Ms. Rebecca Reeves
100 E. Guenther Street
San Antonio, TX 78204-1401
Fax: 210/302-3694

Sulphur River Basin Authority of Texas

For the Sulphur River Basin

David Weidman
115 W. 1st #102
Mount Pleasant, TX 75455
Fax: 903/223-7988

Trinity River Authority of Texas

For the Trinity River Basin

Ms. Angela Kilpatrick
P.O. Box 60
Arlington, TX 76004
(5300 S. Collins)
Fax: 817/465-0970

For More Information

Visit the Texas Clean Rivers Program Homepage for links to water quality assessments and guidance. Or e-mail us at

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