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Greens Bayou: Developing a Watershed Protection Plan

The Houston-Galveston Area Council will develop a watershed protection plan for Greens Bayou watershed to address water quality issues.

Map of the Greens Bayou watershed showing stream segments.

Project Area

River Basin: San Jacinto

Water Bodies: Unnamed Tributaries of Greens Bayou (1016B, 1016C, and 1016D), Houston Ship Channel Tidal (1006), Halls Bayou (1006D), Big Gulch Above Tidal (1006F), Spring Gully Above Tidal (1006H), Unnamed Tributaries of Halls Bayou (1006I and 1006J), Greens Bayou Above Tidal (1016), and Garners Bayou (1016A) 

Location: Cities of Houston, Aldine, Atascocita, Cloverleaf, and Humble


The Greens Bayou watershed covers 208 square miles of densely developed area in Harris County. Much of the watershed area is made up of disadvantaged and underserved communities—with over 60% of the population of low to moderate income. Greens Bayou and its tributaries face water quality challenges including elevated fecal bacteria impairments, and dissolved oxygen and nutrient concerns.

There have been various projects and coordination efforts to address water quality issues on the bayou. The Bacteria Implementation Group (BIG) is one such project. The group covers a broad Houston area of which the Greens Bayou is a sub-segment. They are developing a total maximum daily load to reduce bacteria.

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Project Description

September 2023 August 2026

The Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) will lead development of the watershed protection plan and facilitate a partnership representing all stakeholders in the project area. H-GAC will hold regular stakeholder meetings, coordinate with local partners, and promote the project using the press, direct contact, social media, and other means. H-GAC actions in the plan will also include:

  • Using data from various sources to analyze water quality for parameters of concern and other relevant parameters.
  • Conducting modeling analyses to estimate the amounts of pollutants entering the watershed.
  • Identifying improvements needed to meet state standards.

 They will coordinate with local partners:

  • Hosting education events.
  • Partnering on joint events.
  • Promoting related partner programs.
  • Attending local events and meetings.

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For More Information

Houston-Galveston Area Council Watershed-based Plans

Greens Bayou Watershed Partnership

To find out more about the NPS Program, call 512-239-6682 or email us at

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