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Dry Comal Creek and Comal River: Watershed Protection Plan Implementation

Several grant-supported projects will implement best management practices to reduce pollutant loadings from urban wildlife and stormwater.

Map of the Dry Comal Creek and Comal River watershed with stream segments

Project Area

River Basin: Guadalupe

Water Bodies: Dry Comal Creek (1811A) and Comal River (1811)

Location: Comal County


The confluence of the Comal River and its tributary, Dry Comal Creek, are in the City of New Braunfels (CoNB). Since 2010, Dry Comal Creek has not met all water quality standards because bacteria concentrations exceed the criteria used to evaluate attainment of the primary contact recreation use. CoNB and stakeholders developed the Dry Comal Creek and Comal River Watershed Protection Plan (WPP), which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency accepted in 2018. The WPP identifies management measures (MMs) that can be implemented to reduce bacteria from various nonpoint sources. CoNB and Headwaters at the Comal, a nonprofit organization, will implement multiple MMs under several TCEQ contracts.

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Project Descriptions

September 2018 – August 2022

CoNB implemented urban and non-native wildlife management, stormwater infrastructure, and septic system MMs. In addition to promoting the Do-Not-Feed Urban Wildlife Ordinance, which became effective in March 2019, CoNB installed educational signage, installed and maintained pet waste stations, and conducted septic system maintenance trainings and an urban wildlife workshop with Texas Parks and Wildlife. 

CoNB evaluated the effectiveness of stormwater control measures, tracked and analyzed wastewater discharge data submitted to TCEQ by existing permit holders, tracked new permits, and analyzed stormwater data. CoNB also held regular stakeholder meetings and provided educational programs through news outlets, local television stations, and at community events. 

September 2021 – February 2026

CoNB will continue WPP implementation activities initiated during the previous project. Activities include promoting the Do-Not-Feed Urban Wildlife Ordinance, installing and maintaining additional pet waste stations, securing a professional cleanup service to pick up animal waste at Landa park, conducting educational programming, and holding stakeholder meetings.

CoNB will also conduct stormwater quality monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of the MMs in reducing pollutants. 

September 2022 – August 2025

Headwaters at the Comal will construct structural stormwater best management practices that will be supplemented by a proactive outreach and education program to demonstrate options for green infrastructure and stormwater management techniques using permeable surfaces. Education resources will be designed to engage residents and developers in implementation of low impact development techniques, as well as engage youth and adults in measures to protect water quality through on-site field trips, seminars, volunteer opportunities, and outreach at community events.

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For More Information

City of New Braunfels Watershed Protection Planning webpage

Headwaters at the Comal webpage

To find out more about the NPS Program, call 512-239-6682 or email us at

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