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Village Creek - Lake Arlington: Watershed Protection Plan Development

The Trinity River Authority and local stakeholders developed a watershed protection plan for Village Creek and Lake Arlington to address water quality concerns.

Map of the Lake Arlington and Village Creek watershed with stream segments.

Project Area

River Basin: Trinity

Water Bodies: Lake Arlington (0828) and Village Creek (0828A)

Location: Johnson and Tarrant counties


Lake Arlington serves as a drinking water source to over 500,000 people in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. In 2012, Village Creek, Lake Arlington’s main tributary, did not meet all water quality standards because bacteria concentrations exceeded the criteria used to evaluate attainment of the primary contact recreation use, and several portions of Lake Arlington were listed for concerns for elevated chlorophyll-a and nitrate. Past studies conducted within the watershed show that water quality has degraded, and more vigorous management measures are needed.

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Project Description

To improve water quality conditions in Lake Arlington and Village Creek, the Trinity River Authority worked with stakeholders to develop a watershed protection plan (WPP) for the 91,402-acre watershed draining to Lake Arlington. Models were used to identify potential sources of pollutant loads, load reductions needed to meet the state’s water quality standards, and what strategies would most effectively achieve those reductions. As part of the plan, they established a water quality monitoring program to track the effectiveness of the management measures they implemented. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency accepted the Village Creek - Lake Arlington WPP in 2019.

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For More Information

Trinity River Authority’s Village Creek - Lake Arlington webpage

To find out more about the NPS Program, call 512-239-6682 or e-mail us at

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