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Nolan Creek and South Nolan Creek: Watershed Protection Plan Development

The Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research and stakeholders characterized water quality in Nolan Creek and South Nolan Creek and developed a watershed protection plan for restoring the recreational use of the creeks.

Map of the Nolan Creek watershed with stream segments.

Project Area

River Basin: Brazos

Water Body: Nolan Creek/South Nolan Creek (1218)

Location: Bell County 


Since 1996, Nolan Creek and South Nolan Creek have not met all state water quality standards because bacteria concentrations exceed the primary contact recreation use criteria. The 2014 Texas Integrated Report of Surface Water Quality also identified concerns for nutrient levels. Because several parks in the Nolan Creek watershed are actively used for swimming, fishing, kayaking, and other recreational activities, there is community interest in improving water quality.

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Project Descriptions

September 2012 - February 2016

The Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research (TIAER) and its project partners collected and analyzed water quality data in Nolan Creek and its tributaries. The information was used to characterize the watershed, which included identifying potential sources of nonpoint source pollution, estimating the pollutant reductions needed to meet state water quality standards, and developing an education/outreach program to inform the public of watershed management and promote watershed stewardship.

March 2016 - April 2019

In the second phase of this project, TIAER, project partners, and stakeholders completed the watershed protection plan (WPP) for Nolan Creek/South Nolan Creek. They developed an inventory and evaluated existing water quality management practices and programs in the watershed, and conducted water quality monitoring to inform stakeholders of current conditions in the watershed and to serve as a reference for tracking and evaluating changes in water quality over time.

Public stakeholder meetings were held throughout the project period to gain community input and involvement in developing a well-rounded WPP. The Nolan Creek/South Nolan Creek WPP was accepted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in April 2019.

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For More Information

Nolan Creek/South Nolan Creek WPP webpage

To find out more about the NPS Program, call 512-239-6682 or email us at

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