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North Concho River: Bank Stabilization

A project to stabilize a 2,000-foot section of the banks of the North Concho River to reduce erosion, sedimentation, and bacteria and increase dissolved oxygen levels in the river.

Map of the North Concho River watershed with stream segments.

Project Area

River Basin: Colorado

Water Body: North Concho River (1421)

Location: City of San Angelo


The North Concho watershed is about 7,750 acres and largely urbanized. The North Concho River, between O. C. Fisher Dam and the South Concho River confluence, has not met state water quality standards for aquatic-life use due to low levels of dissolved oxygen since 2014 and has historic concerns for elevated nutrient levels. 

In addition to nonpoint source pollution associated with urbanization, monitoring studies have indicated that the numerous dams and reservoirs in this area contribute large amounts of sediment (resulting from erosion) to the river. Sediment can bind pollutants and make water cloudy, which reduces light and photosynthesis and potentially leads to low dissolved oxygen and fish kills.  

Nonpoint source pollution abatement projects have been successful in improving water quality and reducing the occurrence of fish kills in the watershed. However, because dissolved oxygen and nutrients levels still do not meet state standards, further implementation of best management practices (BMP) is needed.

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Project Descriptions


To fund needed water quality improvements, voters in San Angelo approved a multi-million-dollar project funded with sales tax revenue. A portion of these funds was used to dredge 52,250 cubic yards of sediment along 1.5 miles of river streambed. The city has earmarked over $3,000,000 in additional funds for bank stabilization, of which $249,008 have been approved and set aside as local match for this grant.

This project specifically funded the stabilization of riverbanks for a 2,000-feet section of the North Concho as a portion of the larger River Improvement Project conducted by the city. Much of the project planning, permitting, and engineering was funded by the city and accomplished prior to the grant commencement date.


The Upper Colorado River Authority (UCRA), in collaboration with the City of San Angelo, is stabilizing approximately 1,100 feet of the northwest bank of the North Concho River located between Johnson Dam and the East Concho Street bridge. It will use boulders and riprap for stabilization and grade the bank to the optimum slope to prevent erosion. In addition to preventing sediment and associated pollutants from entering the river, this cost-effective method of bank stabilization will provide habitat for aquatic life and facilitate long-term improvements in dissolved oxygen concentrations. UCRA will conduct BMP effectiveness monitoring for dissolved oxygen and will estimate load (i.e., the amount of pollutants entering waterbodies) reductions. It will also conduct project site tours to increase awareness within the community by providing San Angelo residents and other interested parties with project information and available resources.

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For More Information

UCRA’s Bank Stabilization webpage .

To find out more about the NPS Program, call 512-239-6682 or email us at

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