San Fernando and Petronilla Creeks: Watershed Protection Plan Implementation
Texas Water Resources Institute will provide the community with educational resources about septic system maintenance and inspect at least 25 residents' septic systems in the watershed.
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Project Area
River Basin: Nueces–Rio Grande
Water Bodies: Petronila Creek Tidal (2203), Petronila Creek Above Tidal (2204), Unnamed Drainage Ditch Tributary to Petronila Creek (2204A), Unnamed Tributary to Petronila Creek (2204B), San Fernando Creek (2492A)
Location: Kleberg, Nueces, Jim Wells, and Duval counties
San Fernando and Petronilla Creeks flow into Baffin Bay, a hypersaline estuary.
- San Fernando Creek, Petronila Creek Above Tidal, and Petronila Creek Tidal: Do not meet state water quality standards for contact recreation use due to high levels of bacteria.
- San Fernando Creek: Also has concerns for high levels of nitrates, chlorophyll-a, and phosphorus.
- Petronila Creek Tidal and Above Tidal: Both have elevated pH and chlorophyll-a.
- Baffin Bay: Experiences high concentrations of chlorophyll-a, nitrate, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and very high concentrations of organic nutrients.
The hydrology of this system undoubtedly impacts estuarine water quality. However, pollutant loadings from the watershed, including failing septic systems, are known contributors to ongoing water quality issues.
The Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI) collaborated with stakeholders to develop the San Fernando and Petronila Creeks Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) in 2020 to address the watershed’s many water quality issues. This WPP identified public education and assistance with septic system remediation as important strategies to mitigate bacterial pollution. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency accepted the plan in 2022.
Project Description
October 2023 – August 2026
TWRI will partially fund a watershed coordinator, implement education programs, and provide financial assistance for septic system inspections. The watershed coordinator will prioritize areas of low income or marginalized communities and facilitate educational events there that focus on septic system rules and regulations and guidance for their operation and maintenance.
For More Information
TWRI’s San Fernando and Petronilla Creeks WPP webpage
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