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Advisory Group on Mercury-Impaired Waters

Information about the meetings, recommendations, and members of the advisory group to the commission on issues related to surface waters impaired due to mercury in edible fish.

About the Advisory Group

This open-participation group, using science and technology as critical drivers, advises the Commissioners regarding mercury-impaired water bodies in Texas. The primary task of the Advisory Group is to develop recommendations for addressing those impairments. The group has been asked to include multiple options in its final recommendations to the commission. The TCEQ will consider the group’s recommendations when formulating policy.

Surface waters classified as mercury-impaired are placed on the Texas 303(d) list, which identfies water bodies that do not meet standards for water quality, as required by Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act. Seventeen water bodies in Texas are impaired due to mercury in fish tissue; see fish consumption advisories issued by the Department of State Health Services.

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Membership of the advisory group is open; anyone may attend and participate fully.

The TCEQ sent a letter on June 13, 2008, inviting the participation of approximately 150 people who represent a balanced cross section of people from industry, academia, public and environmental interest groups, and government.

The commissioners’ goal is to have participants in this group that represent a balanced cross section of parties. However, in order to meet that goal, a balanced group of individuals must choose to participate. The commissioners encourage everyone who is interested to come and participate in this process.

Summaries of all meetings will be made available on this Web page.

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Group Findings and Commission Discussion

At their agenda meeting on August 12, 2009, the commissioners considered a summary of the advisory group's findings (PDF) as Item 11.

See the archived webcast of the discussion .

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Information Supplied by Participants

Work group participants submitted the information below to provide or support recommendations for addressing the state’s mercury-impaired waters. The documents are provided as PDFs. (Help with PDF.)

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Meetings and Schedule

Meetings of all advisory groups to the TCEQ are held publicly and are open to everyone. No further meetings are scheduled for this group, pending commission review of the group’s information at the commissioners’ meeting on August 12, 2009.

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Meeting Summaries and Presentations

The following documents are provided as PDFs unless otherwise noted. (Help with PDF.)

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Related Documents

The following documents are provided as PDFs. (Help with PDF.)

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Sign Up for News Alerts

Join the advisory group’s e-mail news list to receive updates whenever new items are posted on our web site.

  1. Go the the entry subscription page for TCEQ news lists
  2. Enter and confirm your e-mail address.
  3. From the list of choices, look under “Advisory Groups” and select “Mercury-Impaired Waters Advisory Group.”
  4. Select other subscriptions if you wish, then click “Save.”
  5. Confirm your membership by following the instructions in an auto-generated e-mail that will be sent to you by the News system.

You may unsubscribe, change your e-mail address, or choose additional options at any time by returning to the TCEQ's entry subscription page.

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For More Information

Contact Allison Jenkins at 512-239-0656 or Holly Brightwell at 512-239-4905. Or send an e-mail to

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Mercury-Impaired Waters
in Texas, 2008

Map of Texas showing the location of surface waters in the state that are impaired due to mercury in fish. Most of the water bodies shown are in northeast Texas near the border with Louisiana. Links to PDF of the map with a list of impaired water bodies.


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