2010 Texas Surface Water Quality Standards
Information about the 2010 revision of the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards and how they are approved, and links to previous versions including supporting documents.
On this page:
TCEQ Adopted Revisions in 2010
On June 30, 2010, the Commissioners adopted revisions to the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards (TSWQS), as codified by rule in Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 30, Chapter 307. The 2010 TSWQS became effective as a state rule on July 22, 2010.
TCEQ submitted the 2010 TSWQS revisions and supporting documentation to EPA for review and approval on August 4, 2010. EPA provides notice to TCEQ whenever it approves or takes other actions on portions of the revised standards. EPA must approve the 2010 TSWQS before TCEQ may use them for federal permitting programs and other Clean Water Act (CWA) purposes.
TCEQ uses provisions from the 1997 and subsequent revisions of the TSWQS in administering its federal permitting programs, depending on which provisions from each revision year EPA has approved. A webpage for each TSWQS revision year describes what actions EPA has taken for that revision and what items are still pending. If EPA either disapproves or is still reviewing a portion of the TSWQS, the language of the prior revision year remains in effect for CWA purposes.
2010 TSWQS Background Information
EPA Review of the 2010 TSWQS
EPA finalized its fourth round of approvals and disapprovals of the 2010 TSWQS in an action letter dated November 2, 2018. This letter primarily covers EPA approvals of the 2018 revision to the TSWQS, but it also includes approval of the temperature criteria for Segment 0410, Black Cypress Bayou, which was added during the 2010 revision of the TSWQS.
EPA is still reviewing the following revisions to Appendix A regarding site-specific criteria for classified segments: revised temperature criteria for two segments (1811 and 1814) and revised dissolved minerals criteria for 19 segments (0307, 0410, 0507, 0803, 0812, 0821, 1206, 1227, 1238, 1240, 1241, 1411, 1412, 1413, 1421, 1426, 1433, 2106, and 2116).
A highlighted version of the 2010 TSWQS rule language provided below clarifies on which sections of the TSWQS EPA has taken actions described in its the four action letters. A key at the beginning of the highlighted rule specifies those provisions of the 2010 TSWQS that EPA has approved and disapproved, and on which it has taken no action or is still reviewing. The highlighted rule will be updated after each EPA action letter is received.
EPA Action Letters
- EPA's November 2, 2018 letter
- EPA’s July 2, 2013 letter
- EPA's August 24, 2012 letter
- EPA's June 29, 2011 letter
2010 TSWQS: EPA Actioned Highlighted Version
*Disclaimer: The user-friendly rule documents that TCEQ makes available on this site are not a substitute for the official rules as approved and filed with the Office of the Secretary of State. See full disclaimer. Email the Secretary of State’s office to request official copies of final TCEQ rules.
The 2010 TSWQS and Associated Documents
Final Texas Surface Water Quality Standards, Chapter 307 Rule Amendment
(adopted June 30, 2010)
EPA is reviewing the final rule in consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. - Executive Summary of Rule Amendment to the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards
Final Preamble to Chapter 307 Rule Amendment
The preamble describes the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards rule amendment the commission adopted, provides other information required under state law, and includes a detailed response to all public comments. - TCEQ held a public hearing on March 11th to receive comments on the 2010 TSWQS rule amendment.
Contact the Water Quality Standards Program
For more information or to suggest topics for meetings, please email standards@tceq.texas.gov, call the Water Quality Planning Division at 512-239-6682, or mail to TCEQ, Water Quality Planning Division, MC-234, PO Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.