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2014 Texas Surface Water Quality Standards

Information about the 2014 revision of the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards and how they are approved, and links to previous versions including supporting documents.

TCEQ Adopted Revisions in 2014

On February 12, 2014, the Commissioners adopted revisions to the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards (TSWQS), as codified by rule in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 30, Chapter 307. The 2014 TSWQS became effective as a state rule on March 6, 2014.

TCEQ submitted the 2014 TSWQS revisions and supporting documentation to EPA for review and approval on April 23, 2014. EPA provides notice to TCEQ whenever approval or other actions are taken on portions of the revised TSWQS. EPA must approve the 2014 TSWQS before they may be used in federal permitting programs and for other Clean Water Act purposes.

TCEQ uses provisions from the 1997 and subsequent revisions of the TSWQS in administering its federal permitting programs, depending on which provisions from each revision year EPA has approved. A webpage for each TSWQS revision year describes what actions EPA has taken for that revision and what items are still pending EPA action. If EPA either disapproves or is still reviewing a portion of the TSWQS, the language of the prior revision year remains in effect for CWA purposes.

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EPA Review of the 2014 TSWQS

On April 23, 2014, TCEQ submitted a package in support of the adopted revisions to EPA. EPA has completed several action letters, which are linked below. However, these letters do not address all outstanding portions of the rule requiring EPA review. Major sections still under consideration by the EPA include several revised site-specific criteria in Appendix A and Appendix D and several revised segment boundary descriptions in Appendix C.

A highlighted version of the 2014 TSWQS rule language shows on which sections of the TSWQS EPA has acted. A key at the beginning of the document specifies what portions of the 2014 TSWQS EPA has approved, disapproved, taken no action on, or is still reviewing. This document will be updated as additional EPA action letters are received.

EPA Action Letters

2014 TSWQS: EPA Actioned Highlighted Version

*Disclaimer: The rules TCEQ makes available on this site are not a substitute for the official rules as approved and filed with the Office of the Secretary of State. See full disclaimer. Email the Secretary of State's Office to obtain official copies of TCEQ rules.

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The 2014 TSWQS and Associated Documents

Printer Friendly version of the 2014 TSWQS

Associated Documents:

*Disclaimer: The rules TCEQ make available on this site are not a substitute for the official rules as approved and filed with the Office of the Secretary of State. See full disclaimer. Email the Secretary of State's Office to obtain official copies of TCEQ rules.

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Contact the Water Quality Standards Program

For more information about the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards (30 TAC Chapter 307), please email, or call the Water Quality Planning Division at 512-239-6682. You may also send a fax to 512-239-4410 or mail to TCEQ, MC-234, PO BOX 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

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