General Air Pollution and Meteorological Data
Current and historical air pollution and weather measurements in Texas.
Air Quality and Meteorology
Hourly Air Pollution Data by Day, Month, or Year
Search for air quality data collected on a specific day, during a particular month, or a definite year and at a specific TCEQ air monitoring site.
Data Collected by Automated Gas Chromatographs (AutoGCs)
Links to air toxics data collected by our AutoGCs, a description of why this data is collected and how it is used, and monitoring network and program contact information.
Web Camera Images of West Texas
Images showing current visibility, air quality, and meteorological information about the Big Bend, MacDonald Observatory, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, and El Paso.
Real-Time Winds Aloft
Current measurements of winds in the lower atmosphere, which help determine the movement of air pollution across Texas.
Meteorological Data for Air Dispersion Modeling
Compressed (zipped) ASCII files of datasets—use when air dispersion modeling is required for an air permit application, modification, or other permit action.