Advisory Groups - Water Availability and Use
Groups that help the TCEQ implement legislation, develop rules, form policies and procedures, and implement plans to improve water availability and use.
Water Advisory Groups
Groups that help the TCEQ implement legislation, develop rules, form policies and procedures, and implement plans to imp rove water quality, water availability, drinking water, and wastewater.
Water Rights Advisory Work Group
Advisory group concerned with water rights permitting issues in Texas. Links to information on upcoming meetings and past meetings.
Environmental Flows
Environmental Flows Advisory Group
Created by the 80th Texas Legislature in recognition of the importance that the ecological soundness of our riverine, bay, and estuary systems and riparian lands has on the economy, health, and well-being of our state.
Texas Environmental Flows Science Advisory Committee
The Texas Environmental Flows Science Advisory Committee serves as an objective scientific body to advise and make recommendations to the Environmental Flows Advisory Group on issues relating to the science of environmental flow protection and develop recommendations to help provide overall direction, coordination, and consistency.
Basin and Bays Stakeholder Committees and Expert Science Teams
The stakeholder committees assist the Environmental Flows Advisory Group and the Expert Science teams develop and recommend environmental flow analyses and regimes for their specific river basin and bay systems.
Concho River Watermaster Advisory Committee
The CRWAC advises the watermaster program on water administration and distribution, complaints and enforcement, and the annual budget. The CRWAC also provides assistance as requested by the watermaster program or water right holders.
Rio Grande Watermaster Advisory Committee
Created by the 75th Texas Legislature to make recommendations to the Executive Director regarding activities of benefit to the water right holders in the administration and distribution of water including review of the annual budget for the watermaster program.
South Texas Watermaster Advisory Committee
Created by the 75th Texas Legislature to make recommendations to the Executive Director regarding activities of benefit to the water right holders in the administration and distribution of water including review of the annual budget for the watermaster program.
Brazos River Watermaster Advisory Committee
The watermaster committee advises on the program’s annual operating budget, makes recommendations about water rights administration and distribution activities, and performs other operations-related duties requested by the Executive Director or water rights holders.