Texas Photochemical Modeling Results—Interactive Map
Interactive map comparing the TCEQ’s air quality modeling results and surface observations.
Hourly pollutant concentrations from the TCEQ’s 2006 episodic photochemical modeling are shown below as a shaded overlay on an interactive Google Map. Only results from the 4 km modeling domain are displayed. Other features include:
Learn about the model configuration.
This modeling replicates a period in 2006 and is not real time. Pollutant concentrations are shown, not emissions.
- Control menus (right side and on top of map) to alter time (LST) and toggle specific features on or off.
- Surface pollutant observations from the Texas Air Monitoring network, represented with circles for the same time period.
- A color scale for the modeled and observed pollutant concentrations.
- Wind speed and direction observations using meteorological wind barbs .
- Hover over the markers to view observed concentration or wind speed and direction values.
- Click a monitor to view a time series of observed and monitored concentrations.
Learn about the model configuration.
This modeling replicates a period in 2006 and is not real time. Pollutant concentrations are shown, not emissions.
Modeled Overlay with Observed Markers: One-Hour Averages