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Disposing of Wastewater Contaminated with Petroleum

How to handle water used in groundwater pump tests, spill bucket and sump tests, cleanup activities from spills, and other activities that may cause contamination with petroleum substances.

Disposal Options for Petroleum Contaminated Wastewater

Wastewater that could be contaminated with petroleum substances may be discharged under a TCEQ permit, beneficially reused, or collected and disposed of at an authorized publicly owned treatment works (POTW).

Discharge Permits

You can discharge the wastewater with written authorization from TCEQ if you meet specific requirements. Get permit coverage through the General Permit to Discharge Wastes (TXG830000) (see General Permit Requirements below) or an individual wastewater permit.

For more information, see:

Beneficial Reuse

You can use reclaimed industrial water for activities such as landscape irrigation, fire protection, and dust suppression. You typically need authorization to use industrial reclaimed water.

Disposal at POTWs

You must have an agreement with the POTW before disposal, classify your wastewater, and document that classification. This may result in other industrial and hazardous waste (IHW) requirements.

More Information

See the following resources for more information on PST rules and requirements:

TCEQ's Small Business and Local Government Assistance section offers free, confidential help to small businesses and local governments working to follow state environmental regulations. Call us at (800) 447-2827 or visit our webpage at