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Discharges of Petroleum Contaminated Water: Am I Regulated?

How to determine whether a specific activity would be covered under the general permit TXG830000, which covers certain discharges of petroleum-contaminated water in Texas. Links to application instructions and other related information.

Renewal of the Petroleum Contaminated Water General Permit No. TXG830000

TCEQ has renewed the TPDES Petroleum Contaminated Water General Permit, TXG830000, which has been issued with an effective date of September 12, 2023. Existing permittees have until December 11, 2023, to submit a new Notice of Intent under the reissued general permit. For more information, please visit the General Permit Requirements for Discharge of Petroleum Contaminated Water webpage.

Determine Coverage Eligibility

If you plan to discharge water containing petroleum substances, to any water in the state of Texas, from the following sources:

  • groundwater pump tests,

  • groundwater, surface water, and soil remediation activities,

  • cleanup activities following spills that occur during transportation of petroleum, fuel or petroleum substances,

  • testing spill buckets and sumps, as required by 30 TAC §334.48(g),

  • removal of water from underground storage tank systems previously containing petroleum fuel or petroleum substances,

  • removal of accumulated groundwater from excavation sites,

  • removal of accumulated water from utility vaults, or

  • miscellaneous petroleum-contaminated wastewaters (such as utility water overflows and blowdown).

Then you may qualify for coverage under General Permit TXG830000. You can find more information about this general permit and the application forms.

If you don't qualify for coverage under General Permit TXG830000, you may need to obtain an individual permit for any discharge released.

Please note that this general permit does not authorize discharges associated with oil, gas, and geothermal exploration and development. These discharges are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Texas Railroad Commission .

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions.