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Available Water Quality General Permits

Find out about general permits that authorize the discharge of wastewater and/or stormwater into or adjacent to waters in the state. Obtain information about open public comment periods and recent and pending actions, and view a list of the available general permits.

The discharge of wastewater and certain types of stormwater into or adjacent to water in the state (HTML) must be authorized by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). This authorization may come in the form of an individual discharge permit or a general permit. Seeking authorization under a general permit is generally less time-consuming than authorization under an individual permit and usually requires fewer resources.

The status of general permits that are being renewed or amended will be discussed at quarterly Water Quality Advisory Workgroup meetings, which are open to the public.

On this page:

Open Public Comment Period

HOTUPDATERenewal with Amendment of the Evaporation Pond General Permit No. WQG100000

TCEQ is proposing to renew and amend the Evaporation Pond General Permit WQG100000, which authorizes disposal of wastewater from industrial or water treatment facilities by evaporation adjacent to water in the state. The renewal will replace the current permit when it expires on September 15, 2025.

TCEQ published notice in the Texas Register and the Houston Chronicle. The comment period for the proposed general permit will close on March 10, 2025. A hybrid public meeting is schedule to be held at TCEQ, Bldg F, Rm 2210, on at 9:30am on March 10, 2025.

Please email with “WQG100000” in the subject line to register and request a virtual meeting invitation. Please include your title and contact information in the request.

Recently Issued

HOTUPDATERenewal with updates to the John Graves Scenic Riverway General Permit No. TXG500000

TCEQ has renewed and amended the John Graves Scenic Riverway General Permit TXG500000, with an effective date of January 23, 2025. For more information, please visit the John Graves Scenic Riverway General Permit webpage.

New Oil and Gas Outer Continental Shelf General Permit No. WQG280000

TCEQ has issued new Oil and Gas Outer Continental Shelf General Permit No. WQG280000, with an effective date of January 10, 2024. For more information, please visit the Oil and Gas Continental Shelf webpage.

New Oil and Gas Extraction TPDES General Permit No. TXG310000

TCEQ has issued new Oil and Gas Extraction General Permit No. TXG310000, with an effective date of January 10, 2024. For more information, please visit the Oil and Gas Extraction TPDES General Permit webpage.

Pending General Permit Actions

Renewal with updates to the Hydrostatic Test Water General Permit No. TXG670000

TCEQ is proposing to renew and update the Hydrostatic Test Water General Permit TXG670000, which authorizes the discharge of hydrostatic test water from new vessels; vessels which contained raw water, potable water, or elemental gases; or vessels which contained petroleum substances or waste related to petroleum substances. The renewal will replace the current permit when it expires on April 5, 2025.

TCEQ published notice in the Texas Register and the Houston Chronicle.

The comment period for the proposed general permit closed on December 9, 2024.

Amendment without Renewal to the Multi-Sector General Permit No. TXR050000

TCEQ is proposing to amend the Multi-Sector General Permit TXR050000, which authorizes discharges of stormwater from certain industrial activities. The permit would retain is current expiration date of July 16, 2026.

TCEQ published notice in the Texas Register and the Houston Chronicle.

The comment period for the proposed general permit closed on November 12, 2024.

Renewal with updates to the Conventional Water Treatment Plant General Permit No. TXG640000

TCEQ is proposing to renew and update the Conventional Water Treatment Plant General Permit TXG640000, which authorizes the discharge of wastewater generated as a result of convention water treatment at water treatment facilities. The renewal will replace the current permit when it expires on October 12, 2025.

Renewal with Amendment of the Aquaculture General Permit No. TXG130000

TCEQ is proposing to renew and amend the Aquaculture General Permit TXG130000, which authorizes discharges from an aquaculture facility or a related aquaculture activity. The renewal will replace the current permit when it expires on April 18, 2026.

Renewal of the Multi-Sector General Permit No. TXR050000

TCEQ is proposing to renew the Multi-Sector General Permit No. TXR050000, which authorizes discharges of stormwater from certain industrial activities. The renewal will replace the current permit when it expires on July 16, 2026.

Available Water Quality General Permits:

  • Conventional Water Treatment Plant General Permit (TXG640000) (HTML), which authorizes discharges from conventional water treatment plants.

  • Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) (TXR040000) (HTML), which authorizes discharges of stormwater from certain small MS4s.

  • Construction General Permit (TXR150000) (HTML), which authorizes discharges of stormwater from construction activities.

  • Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals General Permit (TXG340000) (HTML), which authorizes discharges from petroleum bulk stations and terminals.

  • Hydrostatic Test Water General Permit (TXG670000) (HTML), which authorizes the discharge of hydrostatic test waters.

  • Petroleum Contaminated Water General Permit (TXG830000) (HTML), which authorizes the discharge of water contaminated by petroleum substances.

  • Pesticides General Permit (PGP) (TXG870000) (HTML), which authorizes the discharge of pesticides for the control of mosquitoes and other insects, vegetation and algae, animal pests, area-wide pests, and forest-canopy pests.

  • Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) General Permit (TXG920000) (HTML), which authorizes the discharge of manure, litter, and wastewater into or adjacent to water in the state from CAFOs.

  • Livestock Manure Compost General Permit (WQG200000) (HTML), which authorizes the disposal of wastewater generated from livestock manure compost operations by evaporation or irrigation.

  • John Graves Scenic Riverway General Permit (TXG500000) (HTML), which authorizes discharges from certain quarries located in the John Graves Scenic Riverway.

  • Evaporation Pond General Permit (WQG100000) (HTML), which authorizes wastewater generated by industrial or water treatment facilities to be disposed of by evaporation from surface impoundments adjacent to water in the state.

  • Harris County On-site Wastewater General Permit ( TXG530000), which authorizes the discharge of wastewater from on-site treatment systems connected to single family residences located in Harris County, Texas.

  • Aquaculture General Permit (TXG130000) (HTML), which authorizes discharges from aquaculture facilities and certain related activities.

  • Multi-Sector General Permit (TXR050000) (HTML), which authorizes discharges of stormwater from certain industrial activities.

  • Concrete Batch Plant General Permit (TXG110000) (HTML), which authorizes discharges from ready-mixed concrete plants, concrete products plants, and their associated facilities.

  • Oil and Gas Outer Continental Shelf General Permit (WQG280000) (HTML), which authorizes the discharge of wastes associated with oil and gas extraction activities into the Gulf of Mexico from facilities located in the Outer Continental Shelf.

  • Oil and Gas Extraction General Permit (TXG310000) (HTML), which authorizes the discharge of wastewater associated with oil and gas extraction activities into water in the state from onshore stripper well facilities located east of the 98th meridian, coastal facilities, and territorial seas facilities.

Contact Us if you have questions.