Water Quality Advisory Work Group (WQAWG)
Meeting schedules, agendas, and minutes for this open-participation group which meets quarterly to discuss the development and implementation of water quality rules and regulations.
Based on input from the group, the TCEQ Water Quality Division staff compiles agendas for each meeting. WQAWG provides the TCEQ with expanded knowledge and resources to help with existing and future water quality issues.
Program Updates
Beginning December 2, 2019, we will begin ensuring compliance with the public notice deadlines established in 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §§39.405(a) and 39.405(e). Specifically, applicants must publish the “Notice of Receipt of Application and Intent to Obtain Permit” (NORI) within 30 days and the Notice of Preliminary Decision (NAPD) within 45 days. Proof of publication must be submitted within 30 days of publication.
Failure to publish notice and provide proof of publication within these deadlines may result in the application being returned, in accordance with 30 TAC §39.405(a)(2).
Participation in the WQAWG
The WQAWG is open to the public and is a voluntary group of participants who meet on a quarterly basis to discuss issues related to water quality, wastewater permits, and wastewater standards. Anyone interested may attend the meeting and participate in the discussion.
The WQAWG currently has representation from water associations, river authorities, academic institutions of higher learning, petroleum and chemical industry, electrical utility industry, agricultural industry, consulting firms, law firms, engineering firms, consumer groups, environmental organizations, public and private treatment plant operators and managers, municipalities, industries, government entities, and individual citizens.
Notice of Upcoming Stakeholder Meeting
Meeting Agenda: | TBD |
Date: | October 15, 2024 |
Time: | 1:30 p.m.- 4:00 pm |
Location: | TCEQ Campus 12100 Park 35 Circle Building F, Conference Room 2210 Austin, Texas 78753 Map Local Restaurants |
Free parking is available on the 4th floor of the parking garage located between Buildings E and F. If you are unable to attend in person, you may attend the Microsoft Teams meeting virtually or view the recorded meeting on the TCEQ YouTube page.
Teams attendees: Please submit an email to Outreach@tceq.texas.gov with “WQAWG” in the subject line to get a meeting invitation. Please include your Title and Contact Information.
All past meetings (webcast & virtual) starting January 2019 forward are available by using the TCEQ YouTube channel by clicking on:
https://www.youtube.com/user/TCEQNews. Once YouTube has opened in TCEQNews then search within the site. Search for WQAWG which will bring you to https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=wqawg
WQAWG webcast meetings prior to January 2019 may be found at https://texasadmin.com/tx/tceq/water_quality_advisory/
Future WQAWG Meetings
- October 15, 2024
Summaries and Handouts
Summaries, handouts, and attendees from all current and past WQAWG meetings from January 2018 to present.
Most of the files linked below are in portable document format (PDF). (Help with PDF Files.)
Other Water Quality Stakeholder Groups
- 30 TAC Chapter 312 Biosolids Rule Revisions – Stakeholder Meeting Activity
- Water Reuse
- Federal Clean Water Act Analytical Methods Update Rule (MUR) - Stakeholder Meeting Activity
- House Bill 2771
- Cooling Water Intake Structures, 316b - Stakeholder Meeting Activity
Staff Contact
For more information, questions, comments, or to suggest topics for future stakeholder meetings please e-mail your question or comment to Outreach@tceq.texas.gov. Please include "WQAWG" in the subject line of your e-mail.