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Discharges from Quarries in the John Graves Scenic Riverway, Am I Regulated?

Determine if your quarry needs authorization under the John Graves Scenic Riverway General Permit TXG500000 and how to apply for authorization.

UPDATERenewal of TXG500000

TCEQ has begun the renewal process for the existing John Graves Scenic Riverway General Permit TXG500000 and published the Notice of Intent to Reissue in the Texas Register on December 29, 2023.

The renewal of this general permit is delayed due to the implementation of House Bill (HB) 1688, 88th Regular Legislative Session, that amended Texas Water Code, Chapter 26, Subchapter M (Water Quality Protection Areas). This implementation includes expanding the applicability of the general permit to quarries located within the new “Coke Stevenson Scenic Riverway” (Colorado River Basin). The Coke Stevenson Scenic Riverway is defined as the South Llano River in Kimble County, located upstream of the river’s confluence with the North Llano River at the City of Junction.

The Coke Stevenson Scenic Riverway protected area can be viewed on this  map.

The draft general permit was sent to EPA for their review and approval on March 22, 2024. TCEQ anticipates issuing the renewal of this general permit in early 2025 after completion of rulemaking for 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 311, Subchapter H.


  • As of March 29, 2024, the general permit and all existing authorizations under this general permit are in administrative continuance until the general permit renewal is completed.
  • No new or renewal applications for authorization can be submitted until the general permit is renewed.

UPDATEDischarges from Quarries in the John Graves Scenic Riverway, Am I Regulated?

Determine if your quarry needs authorization under the John Graves Scenic Riverway General Permit TXG500000 and how to apply for authorization.

The 2019 John Graves General Permit

On March 29, 2019, the Commission adopted a renewal and amendment of TPDES General Permit TXG500000 which authorizes the discharge of process wastewater, mine dewatering, stormwater associated with industrial activity, construction stormwater, and certain non-stormwater discharges from quarries located greater than one mile from a water body that is within a water quality protection area in the John Graves Scenic Riverway. The permit became effective on March 29, 2019.

  • The renewal period for permittees with an active authorization under the previous general permit ended on June 27, 2019. If you missed the renewal deadline, you must submit an application to obtain coverage under the renewed general permit and your facility will be issued a new authorization number.

Steps to Take Before Discharging

If you operate a quarry in the John Graves Scenic Riverway you may be regulated under 30 TAC Chapter 311, Subchapter H .

The John Graves Scenic Riverway protected area can be viewed on this map.

If you operate a quarry that is located more than one mile from a water body within a water quality protection area in the John Graves Scenic Riverway (as depicted in the map above), you may qualify for coverage under TPDES General Permit TXG500000.

Before discharging from a quarry that meet the criteria, you must do the following:

1. Review your facility's compliance history classification and rating (HTML):

  • If the site has a classification of “high performer”, “satisfactory performer,” or “unclassified,” continue to Step 2.
  • If the site has a classification of “unsatisfactory performer,” then the site is not eligible for coverage under the general permit. You must apply for an individual permit instead.

2. Read General Permit TXG500000 Adobe Acrobat PDF Document to make sure it applies to your quarry.

  • If the general permit does not apply, you must apply for an individual permit.
  • If the general permit does apply, continue with Step 3.

3. Submit a paper application package, which includes the following information:

Financial Administrative Division, Revenue Section (MC-214)
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 13088
Austin, Texas 78711-3088

If you are discharging to a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) you must also submit a copy of the application to the operator of that system at the same time you submit the application to the TCEQ.

After you apply for coverage, TCEQ will review your application and send you one of the following:

  • A request for additional information, in which case you will have 30 days to respond;
  • A Denial Letter informing you that coverage has been denied (usually because the information requested was not provided); or
  • Your authorization certificate.

After you obtain authorization under this general permit, you must:

  • Comply with the requirements of the John Graves General Permit.
  • Implement your Pollution Prevention Plan (P3) and update it as needed.
  • Analytical results for determining compliance with effluent limitations must be submitted online using the NetDMR reporting system available through the TCEQ website, unless the permittee requests and obtains an electronic reporting waiver. Permittees that are issued an electronic reporting waiver shall submit analytical results to the TCEQ Enforcement Division (MC-224) on an approved DMR form (EPA No. 3320-1).
  • Pay the annual water quality fee of $800.00 per year. This fee will be assessed on September 1st of each year that your permit authorization is active. Note: Permit coverage continues to be active until a letter of termination along with the Stabilization Report (in accordance with the requirements in Part VIII of the General Permit) is submitted by the permittee, and approval to terminate has been granted by TCEQ.

Expired 2014 TPDES General Permit TXG500000

The following documents provide information from the expired 2014 TPDES General Permit TXG500000. The documents are for historical information only.

Expired 2008 TPDES General Permit TXG500000

The following documents provide information from the expired 2008 TPDES General Permit TXG500000. The documents are for historical information only.

Contact us if you have questions.