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Livestock Manure Operations Wastewater Discharges: Am I Regulated?

Find out if your livestock manure compost operation needs coverage under the Livestock Manure Compost General Permit to discharge, evaporate, or beneficially reuse wastewater.

TCEQ reissued the Livestock Manure Compost General Permit  No. WQG200000.

Facilities Likely to be Regulated

This general permit regulates the disposal of wastewater resulting from a livestock manure composting operation adjacent to water in the state.

You may be eligible for coverage under this general permit if you generate wastewater from a livestock manure composting operation and you plan to dispose of this wastewater by evaporation or beneficial use by irrigation adjacent to water in the state

Activities Not Covered by this Permit

This general permit does not authorize the discharge of wastewater generated by a livestock manure composting operation into water in the state.

This general permit is not intended for use by operations that generate manure on site. If you have livestock and compost the manure, find out whether your facility should be permitted as a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO).

This general permit foes not authorize discharge or disposal of wastewater generated from livestock manure composting activities that occur at a facility permitted by the TCEQ as a (CAFO).

Next Steps

If you think after reading the general permit that it might be appropriate for your facility, continue to Obtaining Coverage under the Livestock Manure Composting General Permit WQG200000 for steps on how to apply.

If you don't qualify for coverage under General Permit WQG200000, you must obtain an individual permit.

If you have questions, please see our Contact Page or e-mail us at