Livestock Manure Operations Wastewater Discharges: Am I Regulated?
If you generate wastewater from a livestock manure compost operation, you must obtain a wastewater permit to discharge, evaporate, or beneficially reuse the wastewater.
Renewal of the Livestock Manure Compost General Permit No. WQG200000
TCEQ has renewed the Livestock Manure Compost General Permit WQG200000, which authorizes disposal of wastewater generated from livestock manure compost operations by evaporation or beneficial use by irrigation adjacent to water in the state. The renewed general permit has an effective date of November 10, 2024. Existing permittees have until February 8, 2024, to submit a new Notice of Intent under the reissued general permit.
2023 Renewal Documents:
Types of Permits Available for this Activity:
If you generate wastewater from a livestock manure composting operation and you plan to dispose of this wastewater by evaporation or beneficial use by irrigation adjacent to water in the state of Texas, you may qualify for coverage under the Livestock Manure Compost General Permit Number WQG200000.
Read the permit to determine if you qualify for coverage under this general permit. If you qualify, see Applying for Coverage Under General Permit WQG200000 for steps on how to apply.
If you don't qualify for coverage under General Permit WQG200000, you must obtain an individual permit to any discharge wastewater generated at a livestock manure compost operation.
What The General Permit Does Not Cover:
The general permit does not authorize discharging or disposing of wastewater generated from livestock manure composting operations that occur at a facility that is permitted by the TCEQ as a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO).
The general permit is not for operations where the manure is generated on site. If you have livestock and compost the manure, find out whether your facility should be permitted as a concentrated animal feeding operation.
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