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Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR)

December 2022—The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the LCRR on December 16, 2021.

The revised rule details additional public health protection measures and applies to community and nontransient noncommunity public water systems. These systems must come into compliance by October 16, 2024.

Under the revised rule systems must develop and submit a Lead Service Line Inventory for both the utility owned service lines and the customer service lines. Service lines must be categorized as lead, galvanized requiring replacement, lead status unknown, or non-lead.

We encourage you to start collecting this data now because it will be a time-intensive project for your water system. Funding may be available in the future on a first come, first serve basis. If you need help starting your inventory, please contact the TCEQ Financial, Managerial, and Technical Assistance Program.

Below are some other highlights of the revisions:

  • Lead trigger level added.
  • Change in tiering system with an increased emphasis on lead service lines for sample site selection.
  • Change in sample collection procedures.
  • Find-and-Fix approach if an individual sample exceeds the lead action level.
  • Increase in public education requirements.
  • Lead testing at schools and childcare facilities for community public water systems.

EPA announced an additional update to strengthen key elements of the Lead and Copper Rule called Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI). According to EPA, this new rulemaking is expected before October 16, 2024.

For more information, see the resources below:

If you have questions, please email or call 512-239-4691.

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