Lead Service Line Inventory Under Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR)
January 2023 – Community and Nontransient noncommunity water systems affected by the LCRR must conduct a Lead Service Line Inventory of their distribution system.
The Lead Service Line Inventory is an inventory of every service line in your distribution system, including both the utility owned and customer owned service lines. Each must be categorized as either lead, non-lead, galvanized requiring replacement, or lead status unknown. The required systems must comply by October 16, 2024.
To develop your inventory, review historical records to determine service line construction materials. An easy way to do this is to compare the construction date for structures within your distribution system to the Texas state lead ban, which occurred on July 1, 1988. If construction occurred after July 1, 1988, you may designate these service lines as non-lead.
Historical records to review include:
- Construction and plumbing codes or ordinances.
- County Clerk’s office or County Appraisal District (CAD) records to obtain construction dates of structures.
- Water system distribution maps, engineering drawings, or capital improvement plans.
- Water system standard operating procedures.
- Historical records on each service connection and meter installation, such as maintenance records or work orders.
- Inspections and records of distribution system.
- Customer Service Inspection records
- Customer Service Agreements
After a thorough records review, you may need to interview senior personnel or retirees or conduct physical surveys and investigations to confirm service line construction material. Note that investigations are not required by the LCRR but may be necessary if documentation of construction material cannot be located. You can also use these investigations to confirm the accuracy of historical records.
We encourage you to start collecting this data now because it will be a time-intensive project for your water system. Funding may be available in the future on a first come, first serve basis. If you need assistance starting your inventory, please contact the TCEQ Financial, Managerial, and Technical Assistance Program.
For more information, see the resources below:
- TCEQ Revised Lead and Copper Rule webpage
- EPA Revised Lead and Copper Rule webpage
- Next Steps for the Lead and Copper Rule
- Reference Guide for Public Water Systems
- Federal Register
If you have questions, please email LCRR@tceq.texas.gov or call 512-239-4691.
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