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Assistance Tools for Industrial Stormwater General Permit

Resources to help small businesses and local governments comply with the Multi-Sector General Permit, TXR050000.

What is the TPDES Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit (TXR050000)?

There are a variety of industrial businesses in Texas. To protect surface water in the state, the discharge of stormwater leaving these sites requires a permit. In some cases, the discharge is also monitored for contaminants. The multi-sector general permit (MSGP) is one way to authorize this activity.

HOTFacilities with full coverage under the Multi Sector General Permit are required to sample stormwater for various parameters (see the MSGP Sampling Guide or read the TXR050000 permit for more information on your sector requirements). Facilities have until December 31, 2024 to collect samples. Those samples will need to be analyzed by a National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) lab. Permittees may find a laboratory under the NELAP by searching the current List of Accredited Laboratories. Facilities must report their sampling results in netDMR by March 31, 2025. 

Do I need stormwater coverage at my industrial facility?

If you discharge stormwater associated with an industrial activity* into surface water in the state, you may need authorization. If you are not otherwise prohibited, you may get coverage under the MSGP permit if any of the following apply:

  • your Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code is listed in the permit
  • your facility conducts an activity described by one or more of the following Industrial Activity Codes described in the permit:
    • Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (Activity Code HZ)
    • Landfills, Land Application Sites, and Open Dump (Activity Code LF)
    • Steam Electric Power Generating Facilities (Activity Code SE)
    • Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants with a design flow of 1.0 million gallons per day or more or plants that are required to have an approved pretreatment program (Activity Code TW)
  • your facility is subject to federal categorical effluent limitations
  • your facility has been designated by the Executive Director as requiring coverage.

*(Defined by 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14) )

See Part II Section A of the MSGP for a list of SIC codes subject to the permit*. If you need to look up the SIC code for your facility, please visit the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration's:

*Please note the following errors in the permit: Sector BB should read Sector AB, and Sector CC should read Sector AC.

If all industrial activities and materials are isolated from rain, snow, snowmelt, and/or runoff by storm resistant shelters, you may be eligible for a conditional no exposure exclusion from permitting requirements. If you qualify, apply for the No Exposure Certification (NEC) through STEERS. The NEC application fee is $100.

If all rain, snow, snowmelt, and/or runoff are contained on-site, you may be eligible to claim “No Discharge” and would not be required to get permit coverage.

If you need additional help to determine applicability, visit the Stormwater Discharges from Industrial Facilities: Am I Regulated? webpage.

How do I get authorization under this permit?

Once you determine applicability, the process to getting coverage is straightforward.

  1. Review your compliance history rating.
  2. Read the general permit.
  3. Prepare and implement your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)
  4. Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) online. The application fee is $100. See our video guide on How to Submit a Notice of Intent in STEERS YouTube logo.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) - An SWP3 outlines your plans, or best management practices, to control contaminants that may be discharged in stormwater runoff. Update your SWP3 as conditions change at your facility. See our MSGP SWP3 Template (RG-556) for guidance ( Word or PDF).

You will receive an invoice for a $200 annual water quality fee each year if your permit coverage is active on September 1st. To view step-by-step instructions on how to get authorized under this permit, including links to additional resources, visit the Industrial Facilities web page.

Where can I find resources to comply with this permit?

See the resources below to help you comply with this permit.

General Compliance Overview

  • Stormwater MSGP for Industrial Facilities – Requirements and options for the treatment and discharge of stormwater from industrial facilities under general permit TXR050000, and links to other pages relevant to this permit

Monitoring and Sampling

Surface Water Identification

  • Surface Water Quality (Segments) Viewer - Using this interactive map viewer, users can view stream segments and water bodies monitored by TCEQ. Users can also select a particular segment or water body to view additional information such as segment name, ID number, description, and impairment status.
  • Texas Integrated Report of Surface Water Quality - To determine if the water body receiving your stormwater discharges is impaired and to identify the pollutant associated with that impairment, you must review the current Index of All Impaired Waters. For permitting purposes, Category 4 and 5 represent the list of impaired waterways. Only a portion of impaired waters are associated with an established TMDL.
  • Completed Total Maximum Daily Loads and Implementation Plans

Delegation of Signatories

Forms and Links

Applicants must submit the NOI, NEC, NOT, and NOC forms using our online e-permitting system or request and receive an electronic reporting waiver. Electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable and expire the same date as the authorization to discharge. Waivers and paper forms may be obtained by contacting the Stormwater Program at 512-239-4671.

Who can I contact if I need more help?

TCEQ's Small Business and Local Government Assistance section offers free, confidential help to small businesses and local governments working to follow state environmental regulations. Call us at 800-447-2827 or visit our webpage at