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Regulatory Guidance (RG)

Repository for Regulatory Guidance (RG).

RG-49: Outdoor Burning in Texas

Describes outdoor burning regulations and requirements in Texas.

rg-049.pdf — 2.8 MB

RG-419: Disposal of Livestock Carcasses

A guide for farm and ranch owners, state agencies, and local authorities when faced with animal mortalities.

rg-419.pdf — 1.0 MB

RG-195: Rules and Regulations for Public Water Systems

A guide containing the rules from 30 TAC 290 Subchapter D for designing, operating, and maintaining water systems that supply potable water.

rg-195.pdf — 1.3 MB

RG-347: Landowner’s Guide to Plugging Abandoned Water Wells

Guidance on how to properly plug an abandoned water well.

rg-347.pdf — 2.4 MB

RG-378: Financial Reporting Requirements for Water Districts in Texas

Water districts in Texas must file an annual financial report, an audit report, or a dormancy report each year. This guide tells how to determine the type of report that must be filed and the deadline for filing that report.

rg-378.pdf — 116.4 KB

RG-344: The TCEQ Has Inspected Your Business. What does this mean to you?

Summary of the inspection process, covers the basic rights and responsibilities involved.

rg-344.pdf — 1.8 MB

RG-344esp: La TCEQ Inspeccionó Su Negocio. ¿Qué representa esto para usted?

Resumen del proceso de inspección, cubre los derechos y responsabilidades básicos involucrados

rg-344esp.pdf — 2.0 MB

RG-470: Landscape Irrigator's Rule Compilation

A guide that compiles the various rules for landscape irrigators from the occupation code, water code and TCEQ rules.

rg-470.pdf — 637.0 KB

RG-498eng: NOTICE landscape irrigators must be licensed!

A brochure summarizing the licensing requirements for landscape irrigators and irrigation inspectors and technicians.

rg-498eng.pdf — 329.7 KB

RG-498esp: AVISO ¡los irrigadores de paisajes deben estar certificados!

Un folleto resumiendo los requisitos de licencia para irrigadores de paisajes e inspectores y tecnicos de irrigacion.

rg-498esp.pdf — 378.9 KB

RG-416: Appendix D

Biological Fact Sheets

RG-416: Appendix E


appendix-E.pdf — 131.3 KB

RG-416: Appendix G


appendix-G.pdf — 43.7 KB

RG-416: Chapter 1


RG-416: Chapter 4

Saltwater Nekton

RG-416: Chapter 6

Saltwater Benthic Macroinvertebrates

RG-416: Chapter 10

Biological Assessment Reporting Requirements and Data Management

RG-416: Chapter 11

Quality Assurance and Quality Control