Regulatory Guidance (RG)
Repository for Regulatory Guidance (RG).
RG-498: Notice: Landscape Irrigators Must Be Licensed!/Aviso: Los Irrigadores de Paisasjes Deben Estar Certificados!
A brochure summarizing the licensing requirements for landscape irrigators and irrigation inspectors and technicians./Un folleto resumiendo los requisitos de licencia para irrigadores de paisajes e inspectores y tecnicos de irrigacion.
rg-498combined.pdf — 825.9 KB
RG-502: Certification for Boat Marine Sanitation Devices and Pump-Out Stations
About self-certification for owners of boats with marine sanitation devices and owners of pump-out stations.
rg-502.pdf — 3.8 MB
RG-416: Surface Water Quality Monitoring Procedures, Volume 2: Methods for Collecting and Analyzing Biological Assemblage and Habitat Data
Procedures for TCEQ staff and other monitoring personnel who collect data on surface water quality in Texas
rg-416.pdf — 4.9 MB
RG-416: Appendix B
Reference Materials and Criteria for Biological Assessments
appendix-b-rg-416.pdf — 3.0 MB
Rg-475i: Financial Assurance for Petroleum Storage Tanks
A guide for owners and operators of underground storage tanks on how they can demonstrate their ability to pay for a cleanup of a leak or release.
rg-475i.pdf — 154.8 KB
RG-475j: Gasoline Stage I and II Vapor Recovery
A guide for owners and operators of underground storage tanks on two control strategies under the Texas SIP for capturing fuel vapors during delivery to tanks and fueling of vehicles.
rg-475j.pdf — 367.0 KB
RG-475k: Who Regulates Petroleum Storage Tanks?
A guide to the agencies that regulate ASTs and USTs.
rg-475k.pdf — 147.9 KB
RG-475l: Temporarily Removing Petroleum Storage Tanks from Service
A guide for owners and operators of underground storage tanks on reasons and procedures for their temporary removal from service.
rg-475l.pdf — 139.9 KB
RG-475m: Permanently Removing Petroleum Storage Tanks from Service
A guide for owners and operators of underground storage tanks on their permanent removal, filling with inert material, or conversion to another use.
rg-475m.pdf — 176.5 KB
RG-475n: Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks
This guidance explains the rules and procedures for ASTs (aboveground storage tanks)
rg-475n.pdf — 163.3 KB