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Drought Data Dictionary

Explanation of drought terminology, stage codes, and date notified.

TCEQ Drought Response Stages

TCEQ Stage Description
V - Voluntary Watering Schedule Voluntary restrictions. Customers requested to voluntarily limit water use.
M1 - Mandatory, Limited Watering Schedule Mild restrictions. Use of water for non-essential uses is restricted (i.e. outdoor watering limited to no more than twice or once a week)
M2 - Mandatory, Limited to Hand-Held Hose Only Moderate restrictions. All outdoor water usage is prohibited except by hand-held hoses with manual on/off nozzles. Water usage for livestock is exempt from this restriction.
M3 - Mandatory, No Outside Watering Severe restrictions. All outdoor water usage is prohibited; livestock watering may be exempted by the utility. All consumption may also be limited to each customer in specific ways.

Date Notified

The "date notified" is the most recent date that the Public Water System notified TCEQ of changes to their drought response stage.